Sunday, May 8, 2011


it's sunday. that means it's all over. i do not believe it. now i have absolutely nothing stressful occurring in my life. all i can think of is an essay for english, but that isn't stressful, cause i can just whip that out in a few study hall periods. now i'm ready to move on, leave this weekend in the past, and go onto bigger and better things.

last night when i went to sleep i had 78 unread emails and i didn't feel like reading any of them so i left them all unread. now this morning i have 105. i just keep getting tagged in pictures and people keep commenting on those pictures. and i still haven't looked at any of this pictures. i'm sure the temptation will get the best of me eventually but right now i still don't want to see them.

i got 13 hours of sleep last night. i turned out all the lights and off all the electronics at 8 and was out right away. apparently someone was ringing the doorbell at 9 and Finn was barking, but I didn't hear any of it. i woke up once in the night because i had to go to the bathroom and my throat was killing me and then i woke up at like 8:30ish and couldn't fall back asleep. so now i'm up.

um. i don't think i'm going to do anything today. actually i'm going to mark all those emails read even though they aren't. and watch youtube videos. and maybe study for my spanish quiz.

i got sunburnt yesterday. it's only May 8 and i've already gotten sunburnt twice.

and my voice is pretty much gone. alright, i'm going to look at pictures from the horse show, because i like those pictures, then probably watch some youtube videos because i'm behind.