Tuesday, May 24, 2011

response to Abby's note.

This is a response to the note Abby wrote me, some of it won't make sense to you if you aren't Abby but I think for the most part it will.

Good luck with your senior play! I think it will be amazing too! Jon was talking to Peter about it and how it is a "group effort" and how Jayna and Devin are directing, you're doing costumes and stage stuff, and Jon is "acting and the acting coach and everything else." Well there's that.

And Josh told me nothing. Not even that you guys talked. So naturally I'm super curious.

Don't blame yourself. If ever I'm upset for whatever it's usually because of me and my reactions to things. But I'll let you know. Or just check here and you're fine.

You'll make it through this week fine! Only three school days left. Ohhh which reminds me, Thursday is our boyfriends' birthday. Which I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Telllll me, you've already done this two times before.

And Abby I know that you are worried about your sisters but you have to worry about yourself too and what's going to be best for you.

And that's all to your note, anything else I add is just random stuff.

Um. many days has it been? See, I'm already forgetting. Three. Anyways you know it's coming along. We're still sort of figuring each other out and how to act. Well I am at least. It's different and new. You know that. Today during history we were watching a movie and I could not pay attention to it, it was so incredibly boring. So instead I figured out how many seconds I had until school was over and I got to see Josh again. Anyways. I think that's all. I should do some homework stuff and then I have 4H later that I don't want to go to. I have to do stuff for that too.

Alright boring day so far, honestly I did nothing all day. It was so boring I don't even want to go through it. Now I think I'm done we'll see what happens later that might want me to post again, and then maybe again, and who knows maybe even again.