Monday, May 16, 2011

after i posted that the only thing that i've done is go on tumblr. i've scrolled through every single post that was created while i was sleeping and at school. i circled all the way back around to posts i've already seen. i was 279 pages. one page is about ten posts. so that's a lot. and yep, that's all i've done. i need a new hobby. and some motivation. but hey at least tumblr now pretty much accurately portrays my state of mine. there was even a post on my dashboard that said "I wanna hold your hand" which I quickly reblogged.

But goodness. i've said goodness a lot lately. I need to stop that. but anyways i do need to find other things to do with my life. well i have plenty i could do i just don't want to. like freaking calm down. cause today for some reason the longer it takes him to text me back the more it freaks me out.

alright we're going to change my state of mind right now, because it's not good for me the state i'm in now. but i don't know how. 279 pages of tumblr obviously didn't work. and i'm too lazy to get up. i moved to the comfy chair because my normal chair was starting to hurt me. so i've been here for a while. maybe if i make a list of things i should do it will help me: send out 4H newsletter, research for english, send Steph a facebook message back, put away clothes, study for SATs. nope that didn't help me, just made me more likely not to do any of that.

i guess we're going back to tumblr. back to page one.