Tuesday, May 10, 2011

random list of stuff:

- I'm getting a debit card! Online banking is all set up. I should be getting my actual card soon. I'm super excited. It makes it also want to get a job. I know my mom and dad would supply me with enough money, I already have 1,000 dollars in there, but I want to make it myself. I'll figure that out though.
- When it is an appropriate time to make the switch from pants to shorts? A certain temperature? Time of year? I haven't done it yet, but I think it's getting close. I think one day this week, Friday I believe, it's supposed to get close to 80, so maybe then.
- I want to make zines. Did I mention those a while back? I think that would be a good summer project. I have to start thinking now so I will be ready come the summer.
- I'm procrastinating on homework even though I have pretty much something going on everyday after school until Monday.
- I think that's all. I'm going to go try on shorts now then maybe do some zine research.