Tuesday, May 17, 2011

900 posts, what does that mean?

i don't know and i don't really care. i'm in a bad mood. why? well let me give you the whole story. katelyn said today that she wanted to chaperon for the middle school semi dance and i was like oh my goodness yes i want to too! and then the more i thought about it the more fun i thought i would have. especially if Abby came and maybe we could get Mollie to go. and we could just bip and bop around semi and help pick the music and make sure there's enough water and make sure no one's being inappropriate and just hang out and relax. it sounds like a version of the ideal prom. hang out with friends, dance, and no stress. plus there won't be any one around that you feel like you have to impress or watch out for, just a bunch of middle schooler. so why does this put me in a bad mood? because Abby's parents won't let her go. i don't think they even have a good reason other than they don't want her to. Rosemarie's going and maybe they want it to be her night but I mean come on. it's not like Abby is going to be hovering over Rosemarie. when i asked Maeve if she would mind me going I told her that I won't bother her, that she can dance with whoever she wants, and I won't tell my parents anything. Maybe Maeve and I have a relationship that other siblings don't have but blahhh.

And to make it worse Abby and I were planning a sleepover on Friday so she could just come over after we're done at semi. and ahh it would just be so much fun. but nope. Abby can't go. and it's not even that big of a deal. it's just one night. one night that has the promise of being fun but nope.

yeah i'm sort of upset. but there's nothing i can do about it. it just sucks. why would you not let your daughter go and have fun for a night? you would rather she stayed home? well i guess some parents would. but she only gets to be a teenager once.

sorry this isn't a happy celebratory 900th post. gahh. i'll try to put myself in a better mood. what else do you want me to talk about? well i was happy yesterday but that's worn off. cause i barely even see him at school and it just seems so pointless going to each class and just doing nothing. like my math teacher who has no idea what she's talking about. or how we just spend 10 minutes at the beginning and end of each class doing nothing. i could freaking use those 10 minutes. and i thought about talking to Josh about chaperoning for semi but i don't know if I really want him to be there. it would be nice to be able to dance with him and talk with him but it could be extremely awkward and i would have to worry about him and i'm going to see him saturday anyways, i would be more apt to talk to him about going if Abby was going but she isn't, so yeah. probably not.

i swear the only thing that's making me not explode in frustration over my pointless life leading nowhere is the fact that Sunday actually happened and my stomach still occasionally flips out over that, which is getting pretty annoying now, and the fact that Saturday's going to happen. watch that probably won't happen either. will there be a good reason why it doesn't happen? probably not.

i'm just in a bad mood. i'm going to eat sugar in the form of Pez and go on tumblr and adjust my facebook settings so the only people that i'm online chat for are Abby and Josh, not that they'll come online. Abby's probably banned from the computer too and Josh never does. so i'll just be left alone with my candy and tumblr so i can just grow fat. great.

and abby don't worry about me, i'm just in a bad mood, and this is how i get it out. so don't take any of this literary, i'm actually a very nice person. haha yeah right.