Friday, May 20, 2011

ready for next year? yes.

i had to go down to guidance to talk about my schedule because there was a conflict. Spanish 5 honors and Asian Civ honors are going to be during the same period. Why? Why be so stupid. I'm sure you could have figured it out another way. But anyways I picked Spanish 5 because I need that for international business. Oh well. But that does suck.

the absolute fabulous thing is it looks like I have two classes with Abby. I have not had a class with Abby since ninth grade. I would be so incredibly happy. Like so happy. and it looks like i don't have any classes with Katelyn, oh well! and I will hopefully have Pre-Calc with Josh.

but senior year is already looking promising. especially since second semester i'll have study hall but sixth and seventh period so I can either leave after fifth or just chill in the library. sounds good to me. fifth period ends at 12:30, dude, i would be out of school an hour and forty-five minutes early. too bad for Maeve and Maura. who knows, maybe that will change.

semi's tonight. i'm excited. the only problem is I can't find my dress. my mom is going to look when she gets home.

today was the day of silence. i just decided to wear the pin but not speak, which was much easier and nicer. the intent was the same. but i still have the nice little ribbon on now.

ohhh we finished the AP Challenge Cup today and Katelyn and I came in third! that was our goal! we were sooooo happy! we were probably more happy than first and second place.

um i think that's it. in 24 hours i'll be meeting Josh at the movie theatre. crap. in 12 hours i'll be sleeping next to Abby. i should at least clean my room a little bit. and maybe clean up the bathroom cause that's gross and I have to do Maeve and Erin's makeup so I want to be prepared.

i think that's it! oh isn't tomorrow judgement day and the end of the world? ehh, if that does happen that'll be fine if not that's fine too. i'm not expecting it too. i'm sure i'll wake up tomorrow and everything will be fine. so. with that. if this is the end of the world then...i was about to say bye but then i realized that everyone's going to be dead so no one's going to read this anyways. maybe some alien life will come after us and find this. probably not because doesn't the end of the world mean everything will be destroyed? whatever. i need to think of some good last words. i'll probably just stick with bye. bye. i'll talk to you tomorrow.