Sunday, May 8, 2011

ahh, mother's day.

i don't really like this holiday because all it does it make my mother upset. she's upset because when she called to see if we could go on a carriage ride they were already done for the day. that's all she wanted to do. and we should have called earlier in the week to reserve a spot and find out that they were only in the morning. but nope. we didn't. and then the restaurant we called was all booked. and now she's moping and storming around and when mommy's in a bad mood then everyone is. and there's really nothing you can do. actually at lunch we did a pretty good job improving her mood until someone, either Maeve or my dad, brought up the carriage situation again and then those two were able to put her in a bad mood again. it's like, can't you see just don't talk about it, because by mentioning it you just remind her of how mad she was about it.

and now my mom doesn't want to do anything except for storm around. i don't blame her. i do the same thing when i'm mad. i just don't talk and when i do it is in a sharp snarky tone of voice. must have learned it from her.

she probably feels so under appreciated right now but i don't know how to tell her how special she is and how last night i was crying when i was thinking about all she does for me. i don't know. and it seems weird that we have to do it on today. it makes it seems like the only reason you're saying it is because it's mother's day.

so today had promise to be a nice relaxing day, but now it has turned into a day of nothing with a horrible atmosphere in the house. so it pretty much sucks.