Monday, May 9, 2011

all about me.

i talk about myself a lot. on here. to my friends. to everyone. but what else is there to talk about? it's what i know the best. i could talk about other things, but my opinion will always get put into there. but i wonder if it gets annoying to people when all i do is talk about myself. i try to make sure the other person talks about themselves too but sometimes it's hard when they don't volunteer information and you still want to talk to them. i don't know. what i am going to do now is talk about myself.

i am sickly. i've had a runny nose all day and i'm so tired. well i don't think i'm tired because i'm sick, that could be the weekend's events. and i might have allergies. my car was covered with pollen today and it was really gross because my car is black and all the yellow pollen shows up a lot. but the day was pretty much average. nice because we didn't do much. and i got to talk to Josh walking out to the car, even though pretty much just talked about me again, i told a story about my cat. which is starting to get annoying. well to me. who knows if he cares.

Abby and I are thinking about planning a surprise party for Josh, Nicole, and Colin. We'll see if that actually happens or not. But I would like to do it seeing as I've been thrown two surprise parties, yet i've never been part of putting one on.

now i have to eat dinner. We'll see if I post again later. Last month I posted 84 times, which was a new record. this month, including this post, we're already at 22 and it's only the 9th. Good to see that my life includes typing on this thing 22 times in 9 days. now dinner.