Saturday, May 21, 2011

i survived the rapture

and got a boyfriend out of it.
i'm just very happy.
okay now let's go through the whole thing.
i started texting him at like 2:30 and was like you excited? and he was like yeahhh or something like that. and then we figured out what time we were leaving and that we should text each other when we get there. and then my mom said that i should leave early because there was a big thunderstorm coming through and she didn't want me to be driving in it. so i told josh that and he was like alright, i'll leave now. so i got there before it and parked at the first spot i could. and then like 5 minutes later josh pulls in like two spots over so i go over and see him.
then we go into the mall and he pays for the tickets, and i pay for the popcorn and drinks, but we're there super early and can't go into the theatre. so we sit out on the seats and eat some popcorn. oh and when we were waiting in line to buy the popcorn and such i saw my elementary school principal and he said hi, and how he's seeing me around all the time now that i have my license, cause i saw him when i picked up maura. and then when we were out sitting waiting so we could go into the movies we saw Abby Szat and i yelled at her and she came over and talked to me, she had just saw the movie we were going to see, Water for Elephants. then she left and we talked for a bit more before we went into the theatre.
and in the theatre we watched the pre-commercials, and the commercials, and ate popcorn, and talked about the commercials. i gave up on eating popcorn partway through the commercials and put it on the ground. and once the movie started i put my hand next to my side and waited for him to take it. first he just touched it and then finally took it and he put the little arm rest up between us. and then we just had our fingers intertwined and our arms pressed together. and we watched the movie. every once in a while he would move his fingers or i would, or when it got to some intense part i would hold his hand tighter. when it ended we didn't move until some of the credits started rolling and i looked at him and he looked at me and asked "do you want to be my girlfriend?" and i was like asdfjkl;dasfjklsadlkfjkdlaskdjf and i think i sort of said "sure" and then rested my head on his shoulder, and started playing with his thumb. and he was like "is that a yes?" and i was like "yeahhh" and we just stayed in the theatre with my head on his shoulder and just playing with our thumbs. then finally when the lights came on we got up and we were the last ones in the theatre. and then i was telling how when i was little we would go and touch the screen and he was like "can you do that?" so obviously we went and touched it. and to touch it we had to stop holding hands for a second but then when we started walking again we held hands once again.
and then we got some subway. he got a BLT without tomato, which i thought was very cute. and we were eating that when Katelyn and Ben come over and apparently they had been walking around and they were going to go see Something Borrowed. so they went back to their seat and we finished eating then i went to go saw bye to Katelyn and then we walked around the mall holding hands again. we went through Target and didn't really look at anything, except for press buttons on toys and play with a bouncy ball, but we just walked around and talked. then we walked to the other side of the mall and went into Dick's Sporting Goods and walked around and talked some more. then we went back to the other side and went into Best Buy and looked at CDs and movies and did the whole "have you seen...?" and i had not seen practically any of those movies. and then we walked outside and when i got to my car i was like "you sureee you want the title of boyfriend cause you'll have to deal with all my family and all of that?" and he was like "yes, i'm sure" without hesitating and then we sort of stood outside my car for a while. not sort of but we did. i was like i don't wanna go but probably should. and he didn't want to go either. we would hold hands and then sort of let go but wouldn't stop touching each other. and i was sort of resting against him and he took the hand that wasn't holding mine and lifted my chin up and kissed me. aksdfjalkdfjaksdfkajdfk and put my head back on his shoulder and he was quietly laughing and i said "what's so funny?" and he's like "we're in a parking lot" and i was just like "soo?" and was sort of stayed like that for a while longer and then he hugged me and i hugged him back and he kissed me again and then we finally said bye and left.

ahhh i sort of don't believe it all. it's like everything went perfectly. i told Maeve first and she was like aww that's cute and good and i told my mom and i don't know what she said immediately afterwards but at some point she said "too bad he didn't ask you before prom" to which i was like yeahhhh and she said congratulations and now i just have to tell my dad when he gets home. and i have to make it facebook official.

but i think i'm ready. like just thinking about going out with him again, bringing him over to my house, introducing him to my family, seeing him at school, makes me happy. it's still taking some getting used to the whole "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" labels but i think i'll be fine.

and now i have to post this so abby can read it all before she's done babysitting and crashes.
wooo. it's 10:30 now, how long did it take to write this?