Sunday, May 22, 2011

Josh's girlfriend.

when I was going to sleep last night I called myself that for the first time and it sounded so weird but not bad. just different. like now i have a new identity. not really since i'm still the same person, i ain't changing at all, but now i just have another way to be referred to I guess, cause there is only one Josh Rivard's girlfriend.
but my status is now up to 13 likes. i'm beating josh with his lame 6. XD
last night when i told my dad he was like "make sure you keep everything in perspective. don't let your studies drop." he's afraid that because i have a boyfriend all i'll want to do is be with him and talk to him and i won't do any schoolwork and i'll be like "BUT I LOVE HIM!" yeah my dad doesn't have to worry. he was worried when i became a teenager that i would become rebellious and hate my parents. that didn't happen. i'm not your typical teenager. i have a brain that i use. so while i would like to see Josh and talk to him and be with him, that doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to stop doing homework and not study for anything.
actually i'm about to go do homework after i'm done with this. if anything having a boyfriend will make me do homework even more because i won't want to give my dad a reason that having a boyfriend is hurting me in any way.

i slept until 12pm today and went to bed like 12:30am, you should be proud of me.