Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This sort of sucks. Like a lot.

Ahhahahahahhhhahhahaa. This just sort of confirms everything that I thought was most probable.

So I'm not going to type out everything that I wrote to Josh, but I basically said that he probably already knew that I am going to prom with Adam and how I wish that I wasn't going with Adam and was going with him instead. And how it was all messed up because Adam barely talked to me and all his friends and such. And that's pretty much all.

Then he says:

yeah, i've heard a little about that..And you know, i was going to ask you, and i should have sooner, but i really dropped the ball on that one. and i guess its kind of late, huh? I can be such a screw up...You said he wasnt really talking to you?

And I reply with:
This sort of sucks. Like a lot. We both sort of messed up. But its just one night, right? And yeah, I see him 2nd period during study hall and he never say anything to me, except for when he decided to ask me. But I'm talkin to him on facebook and he sort of explained himself but whatever, just more proof that i said yes to the wrong guy.

This is like a sad love story that you read about it just tears you apart. Well if it's tearing you apart think about what it's doing to me. But it actually makes me feel a bit better talking to Josh. It's like a secret little thing.

But here's some more:
Josh: That's true, it is just one night, and i will be there, so im sure i can sneak you away for a dance, right? =)
Me: You're going?! That makes it a bit better. Of course ill dance with you and talk with you. Everything will be okay, right?
Josh: Yeah, im going. =) so we'll get to dance and talk, and everything will be alright

Yeah I am feeling better about the whole thing. Yeah, I'm going to be going with Adam, which sucks. But Josh is going to be there. It's one night. And now I know for sure that he was going to ask me. And he knows that I want to go with him. So my life is just pretty okay now. Not perfect, but much better than it was. Relief. Now I need to fill Abby in with everything.