Tuesday, April 5, 2011

in case you didn't already know...i'm lazy.

i haven't done any homework at all. because it's not due tomorrow so why do it now? i'm a lazy person for sure. i'll worry about it later in the week or next week or the day before it's due. that's cool too.

so what do i do instead of doing homework? write a post telling you about how i don't do my homework. ha. and go on tumblr. and facebook. adam came on facebook chat for a bit and i waited for him to talk to me, but then he went offline. i guess i should have just said hi. but i'm kind of fed up with him. maybe he's just shy. well he should get some guts.

i don't know. i want to talk to abby but she's being a smart and good student and tutoring someone. blah. i have to go do 4Hy things soon. and i've done nothing. why am i so lazy. my contact's being weird too. why am i so uninteresting.

i really hope that this blog becomes a famous best selling book or else this will all be for waste. and stupid. at least if it becomes big i'll feel like all that stupidness i'm going through will be good for something. and i'll feel like something is you know worth this stuff. i don't know. now i'm not making sense. ignore me. i should shut up now.

and you see what's even more annoying about myself is that i talk about stupid stuff. just look above. i don't talk about anything that matters, like how texting while driving is more dangerous than driving while under the influence, yet people do it more. or about how my grampa was in the hospital for a few days. nope, don't talk about important things. just brush them under the rug and pretend like the worst thing in the world is your prom date situation.

i'm really pathetic sometimes.