Sunday, April 10, 2011

2nd best horse judger in the state, yo.

i went to state horse judging today and out of all the seniors there, i got 2nd. it's kind of a big deal. i wasn't even there for the awards because i went to look at a horse. that's a different story. but yep. that means i get to go to nationals. but not nationals in 2011, in 2012, because apparently we need a year and a half to get ready. i kind of want to go to nationals but then again, that means i'll have to practice all the time and i'll be in college when i actually travel to Kentucky to compete. yep, nationals is in Kentucky. who knows if i'll actually go or not. but it's pretty cool to get 2nd.

so here's the deal. i was supposed to go and get Calvin today. but then Brooke emails us and says that she's too busy today, we will talk later in the week. i mean come on. earlier she was begging for us to get him, and now nope. it's just so weird. wouldn't you want us to take him as soon as possible, so they could start getting their money?

yesterday, we were going to go look at a horse named Wylie, but we decided not to because we were going to go get Calvin. Then when it fell through with Calvin, we decided that we should go see Wylie. so we went after we finished at horse judging, and didn't wait for the results. Wylie was really good. he made everything look really easy. so we might be getting Wylie instead of Calvin. we would have to buy Wylie though, and he is older, but hey if he does what he's supposed to. i want a horse that i can go into classes and feel confident on and i want to win. as simple as that. i want to clean up at those 4h shows. i want to be champion.

alright, now i have to go tell Josh all of this, because i didn't see what he texted me more than three hours ago because Maeve was playing on my phone and my phone's stupid and didn't say that i got a text message while she was playing that game. and i need to eat dinner and make sure i didn't have any homework.