Saturday, April 30, 2011

black raspberry vanilla twist hot fudge sundae with whipped cream, please.

so i got ice cream with Adam. I guess it was a date, call it whatever you want, I don't care. when i got there he was already there and we got our ice cream from Jamie Fleming and Adam Beaupre, his friends. Adam paid for it, I didn't even offer, he just did. I think after he paid Jamie said something like "have fun" or I don't know what. We sat and watched the golfers. It was nice. Sort of awkward, but not too bad. But I wasn't nervous or freaked out. It was much different driving to Tasty Top than driving to the Rivards' house. we didn't really talk about anything in particular, just random things. and Ben, Katelyn's date showed up, which was awkward. but I said hi and asked how he was. Adam's friends made him drink this horrible thing on some sort of a bet, I didn't get all the details. But it was gross. He asked if I wanted to golf and I was like noooo way. And we just sat watching the golfers to about an hour. Then I was like I should go, my family will be wondering where I am, and I should do homework. And he walked me over to my car and I just sort of kept walking and said bye. I don't know how it was supposed to end, or whatever, but I didn't want to kiss/hug/anything to him, so much better like that. And then when I was pulling out he was watching me. And then I made a fool out of myself when I pulled out on the road, I thought that I was pressing the gas, but I was really pressing the break. Thank goodness there were no cars behind me.

And then I just got home and on facebook his status is ":)" which is what I put my status as after that night of bowling when I got Josh's number. So I'm guessing it is in reference to our "date." Which means he probably likes me. Then going off at that, he probably is pretty nervous around me, which is why he doesn't always talk to me in study hall or wait afterwards. But now the thing is, do I like him? I like him as a friend, I don't know if I like him anymore than that. I think if I did like him that I would have been nervous for this date, had butterflies, and I wouldn't have wanted to leave. I wasn't nervous, my stomach didn't do any flip-flopping, and I wanted to leave. Also, I'm not updating my status with anything. That makes me feel bad for Adam if he does like me, cause I don't like him like that. And this sort of verified that. This is sort of a yucky situation then. But I think prom will go fine, because it's not like we can't talk and hold a conversation. I like Adam, but just as a friend.

Sigh. -shrug- I guess that's all.