Thursday, April 14, 2011

I just discovered that tomorrow's the national day of silence. Why isn't our school doing it? Now that they're not doing it, I'm concerned. Maybe we're doing our own day different from the national day? I don't know. I don't even know who puts it on. I hadn't thought about it, but thinking about it now, if they did do this year, I would probably do it. I haven't in the past, but I think I would. After hearing those kids speak out at the bullying seminar, some of them saying how their bi, and just knowing what would happen if someone came out openly gay at our school. There's probably a reason why there isn't someone. And after seeing Glee and all that happens there. I don't understand how someone would deny someone the right to love, especially if they have felt love before. So you're saying that you're allowed to be happy and love someone, but those two guys can't because they are the same sex? That's just sick.

You know what also makes me sort of sick? A comment my mom made the other day. I know she probably didn't mean it and was just trying to make me feel better but still. It was the day that Adam asked me to prom and we were driving home and my dad was going to be home and I was going to have to deal with him, and she said something along the lines of "He should be happy that you aren't going with Abby" (i don't know if she was talking about Abby T or Abby S, who I was talking to about prom the day before) and it took me a second to get what she was saying. Like if I was a lesbian. And I instantly was like "No, no, no, that's" And also Katelyn told me today that her mom refuses the watch the last episode of Glee because of the Kurt/Blaine kiss, which is also horrible. Apparently her mom just thinks its gross. She thinks love's gross, then?

I don't know. I didn't used to be so opinionated about this, but just thinking about how it's even an issue makes me upset. But with the parent thing, maybe it's like a generation thing. Right now all the adults grew up believing that gay is wrong, but in 20 years, the kids of today who believe that everyone should be able to love who they want will be in charge, and then it won't be an issue any more.

I don't know why today turning into a ranting day. And I know you might be thinking about last year and how I didn't do the Day of Silence thing, but my thoughts have sort of changed since then. I'm going to go look up when that was though. I know I wrote something about it.

So I just read what I wrote about the Day of Silence. That was from 2009, so I don't know if we did it last year or not. But it was on May 1st that I talked about it. I said how I thought it was silly that we were making a big deal about it if we just want them to be equal, because if they were equal we wouldn't be calling attention to them.

Yeah, I don't agree with that so much anymore. I do understand where I was, but that doesn't work unless they are equal. And right now they're not. So by not calling attention to the injustices, they are just growing. I think I was sort of oblivious to how bad it is for people who are gay or lesbian. Having to go day after day without anyone know how you truly feel, because everyone automatically just thinks you're straight unless you do something people think is characteristic of gays. There aren't characteristics of gays. It has nothing to do with personality or what you wear, it has to do with who you love. Some people fall in love with girls, some people fall in love with guys, and some people fall in love with both. Gender shouldn't matter.

Now in a lot of writings like this, now this is when the person is quick to say "I support gay rights, but I'm not gay." Umm, why do you feel the need to tell us that? It just contradicts the point you're trying to make. You're yelling about how gays should have equal rights but no, no, i'm not gay. That's just stupid too.

Okay, I should stop now, because I'll keep going on. I wonder what my parents really think about all this. I don't think they are judgmental and against him. My dad and I talked to a gay couple in Tobago and they were just like two regular guys. And the comment my mom made I think she really wasn't thinking before she said it. I wonder what they would say when I told them I was doing the day of silence. I wish my school was doing it now. I could just do it on my own, but it's better when you have the support of your school. It won't a big as an impact if just I do, but if we got the whole school to do, then it would be better.

It's 9:14, really stopping now.