Friday, April 15, 2011

i'm excited for tomorrow morning because i can sleep-in as late as i want.

so today was a fairly good day. i got through all the tests. josh gave me a note, after i gave him one. and then he waited with me when i was waiting for maeve after everyone else had left. and i had a nice trail ride with maeve at the barn. and i had a good ride on Wylie and he's coming tomorrow around 12:30. so hopefully that works out.

one thing that brought my mood down was this. my mom told me that she talked to her new hair lady and told her about prom and the hair lady said that she would come in friday specifically for doing my hair for prom. so my my offered to pay for both Abby and I to get our hair done, and maybe get makeup too if there was someone at the salon who could do it. so i offered it to Abby and she said that Sharon was doing her hair, which I knew but had forgotten. But that just brought my mood right now. Because Sharon should be offering to do my hair too because i should be going to prom with her son. and if Abby doesn't go get her hair done with me or whatever, i'll probably go by myself. and that is going to suck so so so so so much getting ready for prom by myself. prom's just so stupid. i don't even know why i'm going.

yeah that brought my mood down for the rest of the car ride home. now i'm home and i'm really cold. and i'm thinking about everything that i have to do this vacation. it's not really even a vacation at all. whatever. blah. i want to go to sleep and just stay sleeping for a long time.