Thursday, April 14, 2011

i'm just fabulous.

i am indeed. i don't really care what anyone else thinks. i wrote an essay today. like i got the topic today and i wrote it today. i studied for english. i did what i had to do. of course there are those IDS, but they'll get done so I'm not worried.

um. i enjoyed talking to Colin and Josh on the way to the car today. i enjoyed driving Maeve home and then going to the barn. i enjoyed riding Murray and talking Adam for the little bit I did. i helped Carolyn bring out poles, I helped a girl working haul hay, then I helped Adam haul hay. I talked to Adam's mom, who is fabulous. Then I went home, wrote an essay, studied for english, read some for history, and now i'm talking to Josh and doing interweb stuff. What I should do is put in prizes for the show but it's too late now.

i'm just in a good mood for some reason. i thought i would be completely stressed out now, but the essay's done and i don't really care how good it is or whatever, it's done. and then tomorrow's friday and we gotta get down on friday. and i'm going to ride wylie tomorrow and then he's coming on Saturday. and i'm excited. we so excited.

it's nice to be in a good mood. i wish i had people to share this good mood with in person. hopefully it will last into vacation and i can share the good mood with them then. i was going to talk about some non-good mood stuff, like the civil right stuff we're talking about in history, and katelyn's freak out over white tuxes. should i? actually, i'm going to. we'll start with Katelyn.

today she was freaking out a lunch because she was afraid Ben got a white tux. she doesn't know what color tux he has, but she was freaking about because he might have gotten a white one and it would match her dress and he would look bad in it and it would be horrible. and she was all upset over it. she didn't even know if he got one or not! i mean come on! and she wouldn't listen to any reasoning, everyone was telling her she was being ridiculous but she didn't even care. if she gets upset over the possibility that he could have a white tux, then her night is going to be horrible. why? because she's going to want everything to be perfect and it's not going to be. nope. something's going to go wrong. something's not going to go how you want it to. that's okay though. it's one night. no night is ever perfect. just relax. everyone needs to relax over prom, it's starting to annoy me. like Katelyn was worked up over the idea of me wearing jeans to prom. she was like "YES THEY WOULD KICK YOU OUT" i mean calm down. i'm joking around, but still. gah, prom's just annoying me. it's one night. why is so much pressure put on it? when you think about your high school years, the best moments aren't going to be prom, they're going to be those late nights out with you're friends bowling or just hanging out with them. seriously. prom's all built up nonsense because of our stupid society. so relax. go to prom. have fun. and just don't worry about it. make the best of it.

okay prom rant done. now do i start in on the segregation/discrimination/civil rights rant? nah, i'll save that for another time. i'm going to watch shaytards now. (: