Sunday, April 3, 2011

Here's the thing. I don't know anything.

This whole blog? Yeah pretty much it's all pretending, because I don't know anything. Anything I said, I don't know. How do I know? I don't know anything. I just pretend like I know things about life. I don't.

I don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. I don't know if I change my mind if I'm doing the right thing then. I don't know.

ask me a question, i'll probably say i don't know.

actually, I do know that i'm hungry but that's insignificant.

so what's next? i think the next step is to see how tomorrow goes. and what i really want to do, i don't know if i actually will, but i want to ask Adam why he asked me to go to prom with him and see what he says. it would be easier to do it via text or on facebook but then i can't see his facial expressions and how he says everything. so that leaves at school or the barn. but i may not be at the barn at all this week, and he's only there thursdays, fridays, and saturdays. i could do it after 2nd period, when he asked me originally.

the other day i told Bella about how i thought Josh was going to ask me, because i needed to tell someone. and i was telling her how he texts me but we barely talk and how it annoys me. and she was like "awww, you like him." is it obvious? is there something i'm missing here? i wish i could remove myself from the situation, see what everyone's thinking and what their motives are, and then move from there. but i can't. i'm stuck in the middle.

i'm talking about this a lot because that's all thats really happening. it's the biggest thing that's happened in a while. remember Monday when i was crying for no reason? now look at me.

i'm thinking about telling my mom and maeve about my situation and seeing what they think. i'm going to be hanging out with them later at the horse show. i want to see what my mom says. i'm getting pretty good at telling people now. it's kind of better than keeping it all to myself and sharing it on this blog.

you know i bet if this gets published you're going to ask a girl my age currently "what was your favorite part of Molly's blog?" after she read it, and she's going to say "when she went to prom for the first time, definitely" because it's drama. people love drama. you've never read a book where everything was all sunshine and rainbows. or a movie. or anything. because people love things to go wrong and for things to happen, but then they want things to get right too? not always, because people like to see things go wrong. or maybe they like to see it in fictional stuff. i would like to thing that the future readers of this are routing for me. what if my life became pretty big, like twilight. there could be Team Josh and Team Adam. hahaha, that would be so funny and awesome. if this does become big, i want to see that happen. i want to see people wearing t-shirts with that on it. sorry Josh and Adam but i mean come on. maybe you can get some of the profit. but i'm not doing this for money. it would just be so awesome to walk down the street and see someone with a "Team Josh" shirt on and I'll be like "OMG! THAT'S ABOUT ME!" and i would freak out. even if i was 30+. that makes me smile thinking about that. but more drama in my life = better blog = more people will read it = more people will learn from my experiences = t-shirts. that's just a win-win-win situation all around, minus the more drama in my life now. i'll deal with that.

now i'm going to go eat some nutella for breakfast, then get dressed, then go driving with my dad, and then go to a horse show, and then maybe go look at a horse. sounds like a nice day.