Friday, April 1, 2011

feeling better about my decision.

i talked to adam on facebook thank goodness.
his phone deleted my number, who knows if that's the truth, but i believe him.
we pretty much decided that we would ride with his friends in a limo to prom, because my friends didn't plan anything like that and it's a limooo. i'm sure he would drive me in his truck if i asked him to. but it seems stupid not to go in the limo if we can and it's only a ride so who cares if its sort of awkward. i'm not going to let some people i don't know bring my night down.
and we just talked about nothingness, and it was easy. i didn't have to struggle to think about what to say, even though i was exhausted and i'm sure i sort of sounded like it.
and i told him to talk to me at school, and to text me, and to talk to me whenever i'm a facebook. and he agreed. so we'll see how that works. if he texts me tomorrow then i'll feel even better about going to the prom with him. and then if he talks to me next week then we'll be doing very well. sometimes it's just better to talk to them using electronics and build up their confidence first. i swear guys are more nervous than girls are. or at least the ones i talk to.
now i'm going to sleep, i'm exhausted. i was going to go to sleep before i started talked to adam, but then as i was going to close facebook I saw he was on so of course i had to message him. alright, sleep now. big prom dress shopping day with abby tomorrow.