Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So. Adam responded. I just sent my long thing to Josh saying that I would rather be going to prom with him. Want to see my conversation with Adam? This is after talking about driving appointments and such.

Me: alright, so i'm sort of confused so i should probably ask you. why did you ask me to prom yet you never talk to me during school and such?
Adam: I asked you because I think that you are extremly nice and witty, and I think that it would be fun to get to know you more. But about the not talking part, honestly, it's because I only see you during 2nd period, and that time i'm 90% asleep anyways, but I'd love to talk to you more, I just don't know when. I'm trying to get a cell phone thats better for texting but right now mine is pretty much the worst on the market.
M: Thank you first of all. And yeah I know how it is in study hall, but you can talk to me afterwards for those two seconds in the hallway before third period maybe? I could too. I'll say hi to you at the beginning of second period tomorrow, alright? No more awkward-like-ness. But that makes me feel better, I was thinking that you just didn't want to talk to me.
A: No not at all! I really would like to talk more and get to know you better. I realize that suddenly asking you to prom might have been a bit, abrupt, but I guess thats just the way I am hahah.
M: Completely through me off, but that's fine. XD We can figure it out. We just sort of have to talk to each other. But yeah. That's all really.

And now he's typing. So, what does this mean? It means I better start talking to him more often. It also means I'm most definitely going to prom with Adam because I can't back out on him now.

Now i'm freaking out waiting to see what Josh is going to say. That's freaking me out more. And Abby's still at work. Ahhhahaahha, why do I make my life so complicated? Actually this should be uncomplicating it a bit for me. Maybe after today everything will be all sorted out. I'm just going to wait to add the rest of Adam's conversation since we are still conversing. But still, even after this I wish I was going with Josh who is taking nice and long responding to that text I just sent him. Actually now he has changed the topic so here's the rest:

Adam: Hahah, yeah I guess I often have that effect on people. So, when you get your license, you're going to drive yourself up to the barn? Maybe we can talk a little bit there too, if neither of us are too busy.
Me: I'm planning on it, I'm going to Maeve's transportation from now on and she goes pretty much everyday. And hopefully I'll be getting a horse soon and will be up there more often.
Adam: Cooooool
so how has Mr. Dewitt's AP class been?

Okay Josh, you can respond any time now. My leg nervously shakes when I'm not typing. I just have nervous energy. Why is he going to say? I know he's going to be nice and all but still who knows. Abbbbbbbyybybybybbbbybyby. She should have been out of work 2 minutes ago, I'm going to text her. Then when she texts me back I'll freak out if it's Josh's or not. I probably scared him bringing something big like that up out of the blue. But how else do I bring it up?

Lalala, tumblr, change music station, back here, type something back to Adam, check phone, and repeat in various orders. I wish I could give you the feelings....ahahahskdfjladjf Josh texted me back. Alright, dealing with that now.

Josh is going to get his own blog post.