Saturday, April 30, 2011

During the last hours of April 2011, I have a few bullets:

- I still don't know what I'm going to do with the Katelyn situation. I don't think I'm going to jump into anything. I might ask her about it on Monday and see how she acts with her parents tomorrow.

- I went to the town variety show today. One guy played the piano, a song that he composed himself, and it was pretty amazing. His name is Joey Allen. He's one of those kids that I want to see in 10 years and see what he's doing with his life.

- This is why I like Josh: Me: "Ahh, I'm tired and I can't think of anything to say." Josh: "That's fine =) I can surely find something purely random to talk about!" Me: "Yes please! (:" Josh: "But first, I must ask you how your day was! How was your day? =)" Then I proceeded to tell him about my day, but it made me smile.

- I miss being on stage and performing. I just realized that tonight, actually like two seconds ago. I miss people coming up and congratulating me afterwards and saying how well I performed. I miss working hard and practicing for hours to be ready. I miss coming to the crazy pointless rehearsals. I miss showing off my skills. I want to dance, or do something on the stage.

- Josh says I should learn something new. Problem: I want to be good. Plus I don't know what.

- I need to go to sleep, I'm so tired. And I don't know how late I'm going to be able to sleep in tomorrow, and after that I won't be able to sleep in until next Sunday. Oh my goodness. Don't freak out Molly. Don't think about how close everything is. Just relax. It will be over soon. And I have a spanish story to write and illustrate for Monday. Fabulous.