Monday, April 11, 2011

I procrastinate like there are a million tomorrows.

Get it? It's a play off the phrase of "like there's no tomorrow." Ha. I'm so good.

But seriously. I did all of the chemistry worksheet except for two problems, which i'll probably end up doing during lunch. I should do IDS since I still have 44 left to do and they're all due in two weeks. Or I should do some of the 5 FRQs I haven't started yet that are due on Thursday. I might go read. But I'm so exhausted and out of it.

I'm excited about my prom dress though. Did I even talk about prom dress at all? If I did, sorry if I repeat myself. Now I'm going to go check and see what I've already said. Nothing. All I said is I got my prom dress. Jeez, I'm leaving out important details here. We ended up going back the first store and I put on a dress I had tried before, and the 2nd time I tried it on I liked it a lot more. It's really fitted on the top then goes out. It makes me look tiny and shows off my nice little waist, which is nice since I don't have any cleavage, not that I want any - just telling you. I look good in it. It looks better on me than it does on the hanger. I just can't gain any weight and I'll be good. It fits exactly right.

I just remembered that I have to make a resume, so I'm going to go do that now.