Saturday, March 13, 2010

what i just did.

what i just did is press that blue button, i believe it is blue, that says "New Post" without a post in mind. thank you. thank you.

i'm watching Amazing Race. woohoo. i had pizza and milk for dinner. my mother and father are out for dinner with Lori Brogle. i guess if i had guts i could have gone out with them and asked Abby to come but according to her facebook page she is babysitting tonight anyways.

doubts. doubt. doubting. doubters. doubtable. doubtful.

those are all real words up there. and they might be what i am having. doubts about going into business. they are probably come about because i'm reading a book where the two main business people in the book are lonely and they work all the time. one guy seems like he never sleeps because he always has something to do. do i want that to be me? does it have to be me? who says i can't be a successful business woman who gets her sleep and has love and a family?

but then again should I even be thinking ahead that far ahead? should i be enjoying every moment now? every second is a blessing so why am i so fixated on the future? maybe it's a phase. spring fever and all. maybe. i might start applying for scholarships online. ones that don't include "real teens" because fake teens need a chance at scholarships too.