Friday, March 26, 2010

this is the 300th post. this is also the post about the wizard of oz.

first off: yay! i have become crazy enough to post on this thing 300 times! whoopee! if it's actually a good thing...

second off: yay for Wizard of Oz, the play put on by my lovely high school! i just went and watched it with Bella, Dana, Taylor, and Moriah. i have lots to tell about it but it's sort of 10:47. and my dad is still up. he may complain if i'm up late. he was already saying how it went late. maybe i'll bring my computer upstairs and type it up there. sounds like a plan. shhh. i have to be secretive about it. don't tell anyone.

i made it. it's 11:00 now. this is the latest i've been up all week. i'm scared someone is going to hear me typing in here. it's kind of loud. but i'm supposed to talk about the WoO. hahaha. okay. i'm over tired right now.

anyways i wasn't planning on going tonight because my family is all going tomorrow night. but then Dana was at the barn and she was going to go with Bella, the Cranstons were going to go as a family, so i sort of invited myself along with the Brogles because i wanted to go opening night and i wanted to spend time with Dana. duh. so my mom dropped me off at the barn where everyone was and we waited there until Lori got there because she was taking a shower. while we were waiting we all got into Laura's truck to warm up. i could tell Dana didn't want to either but we did and of course we talked about awkward subjects. like how Taylor's boyfriend is is JAIL. i knew he was bad but i didn't think he was bad enough to get into JAIL. Taylor deserves way better than that. i don't know why she is still waiting for him, if that is what she is doing. but i was stupid enough to mention something about it when we were in the car with Lori going to the play and apparently Bella didn't want Lori to know because then she went all "i told you so! listen to your mother!" Lori doesn't make it easy for Bella. but anyways. then Laura was like "what about you Molly? any boyfriends" and then we had a convo about how i don't but by choice. and then i think it was Bella who asked me if anyone had asked me out and i said no but if anyone had i would of said no. HAHAHAHA. if could give you a list of guys i would have said to most likely but you know. then Laura was saying how i give off the vibe, or something like that, that i don't want to have a boyfriend and as soon as i want one guys will come flocking....right. but that was all pre-show.

when we got to the show it was packed. it was filled up to the top. oh my goodness. we were waiting in line to get into the auditorium, we had already bought out tickets, when Dana had to go the bathroom so Bella and I went with her and lost our spot in line but when we got back Taylor found us and brought us to the front of the line with her, Lori, Laura, and Moriah, some lady yelled at us for cutting. oh well. Moriah, Taylor, Dana, Bella, and I found seats together over towards the left side of the auditorium and Lori and Laura went off elsewhere. at first i was next to Dana and then on the end was Taylor, next to me. i could tell she didn't want to sit next to me and honestly i didn't really want to sit next to her. so i told Dana and then she told Bella so Bella went off to talk to friends and when she came back, we switched seats. so then i was next to Dana and Moriah. fine by me. might as well not pretend Taylor and I are best friends, because she aren't. i get along better with her younger sister. but when i was at my old seat two cute guys were talking right near me and if i was smart i would have offered one of them Taylor's seat but you know i didn't. it ended up one of the guys sat behind me with a girl who could have been his girlfriend i don't know. but that girl and that guy went to Dana's school and apparently they are friends so they were talking before the show and during intermission leaving me sort of sitting there out of the convo with no one to talk to. not a surprise. i'm at my school yet Dana ends up talking to more people than i do leaving me just sitting there. of course it wasn't always like that, she still talked to us too but you know. it's kind of like...okay...especially when she doesn't introduce us or make any effort to include us in the convo. i think i have seen the guy before. he was cute. i told Dana that but she didn't make any effort to help me figure out where and she didn't ask him, or if she did she didn't include me in the convo. all she told me was he was popular and a football player. no information about if he sings or not.

i haven't even mentioned one of the best parts. not in the row in front of us but the row in front of that had a collection of junior boys sitting in it. no they weren't trouble or annoying, actually the opposite since Ryan Thornhill was sitting there. he was a little to my right so i had a pretty good view of him. of course it was just the side of his head but i could see that he had some lovely sideburns coming him. that is a horrible word, sideburns, it sounds worse and they have so many icky connotations with them, at least with me. anyways. so yep. no acknowledgement but i wasn't excepting any. and in the row behind me, also more towards my right his parents were sitting there. when we were leaving they offered me a ride home but i said i already had one. i should have said i needed one just so i could ride in a car with Ryan. but then i realized he probably would ride home in his own car and i should of asked him for a ride. then i realized that it wasn't legal for him to give me a ride, he needs to me seventeen and from what i've gotten he is not of that age yet. but when we made it out of the auditorium and the huge crowd and Dana had left with her father and Lori was talking to someone Bella and I were waiting near the door and Ryan was included in a circle of junior boys. why can't i be a junior again? oh right. i was born in June of 1994, not 1993.

oh, you want to know about the actual show? well that was good. i have to say the ending was a little dragged out and i was getting ready to go. it was a long play. it was fourish hours. yikes. they could have gotten ride of the whole I'm a King, I'm a Lion in Emerald City in my opinion but they all did a FANTASTIC job. i know how much work they put into that. i liked it so much i'll be going back tomorrow night! wooo! Abby did a wonderful job with her grunting and monkey noises along with her money like lope way of movement. i hope she enjoys the lovely toy flying monkey. hopefully she figured out what it was. it had a tail and wings i mean come on! but i had to cary that envelope around so i hope she appreciates it and i know she will.

a few things i remember i wanted to talk about.

even though Dana seems to be more popular than me (cause she is) even at my school (cause she is...) at least i know that i have one friends that shall never leave me and i can count on. i would rather that than a bunch of fickle friends. also Dana you know you really shouldn't text during a play. it's rude. and i don't like it. it makes me feel like a loser for not having anyone to text. and it's distracting. i'm probably just jealous. but still don't do it. please and thank you.

also i wonder if Ryan has any idea that every time i see him i run home and write about it in my blog like the creeper i am. -sigh- but would it even matter if he did know? would it change anything? he would just look at me funny time any time he saw me looking at him. or maybe it would make a difference. he would start paying attention to me. when he saw me walking home from babysitting he would walk home with me just so we could talk and when we got to my house we would just keep walking because neither of us wanted to leave. and in school in the hallways we would share secret smiles because we knew so much more about each other than anyone in that school would ever know. but that's not going to happen. why you ask? because he is never going to know. maybe he will if this thing gets published but that won't be until long after high school, long after college. it won't be valuable until i make a name for myself.

darn it. i just made up all those fantasies up there just now so now i'm going to be thinking about them all night. or not because i'm exhausted. i'll probably fall asleep the second i close my ey...that was a close one. i almost fell asleep. XD

i think that is all i have to say. except do you think Ryan's mother has any idea that i have this childish school girl crush on him? who knows. she might have the mother/female instinct when she just knows. if she does then it wouldn't hurt to have her bring me up in convo. a thought just occurred to me - too bad i can't run long distances because i would join track for him. yeppers. probably not. okay. now i'm really tired and i'm probably not making much sense.

oh Toto was wonderful. he didn't pee or poop on the stage once. and he actually attacked the lion when he was supposed to. no need for those fake barks because he actually did bark. wonderful little doggy. he even stayed in the basket. he was really just wonderful. our assistance principal trains dogs well. if he was the one who trained him.

i need to shut up like now. i'm about to fall asleep. ahhhhh. it's 11:30. i just spent 30 minutes of my time writing this lovely post. woohoo!

happy 300th post. if i spent 30 minutes on each post, which i didn't, that would mean i spend 90000 minutes on this blog. woah. think about that.