Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the schedule of sophomore year of molly as of now.

(A) lunch then gym.
(B) bio then lunch.
algebra honors.
english honors.
history honors.

HAHAHA. just kidding. let me really tell you what it is. i'll start when i pull into the driveway.

-get out of the car and walk into the building. think about who is watching me walk to school and what they are thinking. do they think i look like maeve? do they know what i would do for maeve? do they know what my life is like out of school?
-say goodbye to maeve and walk into the hallway. see if abby and her group is around. then see if becca is around. then just go to my locker and get everything i need.
-walk to homeroom. try to keep my head held high and act like i am almighty and powerful and don't care what anyone thinks when i walk by. try to get the day off to a good start.
-walk into homeroom, avoid Katelyn/Becca. find Abby. smile at her. access the situation and see if i should go over to Abby or Jayna or anyone else in there or just sit in my seat.
listen to the chatter during homeroom making sure none is directed towards me. stay silent. wait until the bell rings.
-walk up the stairs to spanish trying not to get run over while acting like everyone should move out of my way (that never happens)
-go into spanish, see who else is already in there, get my book, sit down, say hi to sarah, and watch as everyone comes in. pay special attention to the following: Adam M, Keith, Dan, Paul, and Ian. see what color plaid shirt Adam is wearing today. listen in to their chatter. survive through the class.
-walk to my locker. look for maeve in the stairwell. get my snack from my locker and go to art. when on second floor look out for Ryan on B days when he is going to chemistry.
-enjoy myself in art class with Mr. Smith and Ally. keep my eye on Dan and Scott.
-go back down to my locker and while walking down the hallway next to the cafeteria watch as Paul walks by and wonder if he is trying not to look at me because he doesn't want to admit he is attracted to/interested in me.
- get bio stuff, and walk to bio. look out for Ryan on A days when he is going to chemistry next door (today i walked right behind him down the science hallway and he turned around like he was seeing who was behind him, we didn't make eye contact but he knew i was there but he also didn't say anything but i didn't get the huge nervousness feeling that i should if i had a huge crush on him) and on B days look into Mr. Cole's room as i walk by for a certain someone.
-as i enter the classroom avoid eye contact with Katelyn while she is looking like a thug while resting her head on her hand. hope she doesn't talk to me. watch as Emmett comes in. try to survive through the rest of bio class.
A DAYS as follows:
-leave bio and watch for Ryan also leaving his science class. walk down to my locker without Katelyn and/or Paige. keep my head held high and act like i'm the best thing every but probably come off as cold and unfriendly
-drop my stuff off in my locker and wait for Abby to arrive. go into the lunch room and get food. sit down while trying not to look to see if Adam and Paul are sitting at the table behind me and to my left or if Ryan is at the table to my right also behind me.
-eat food and attempt to make conversation.
-get up and walk past the tables discussed above, trying to make a good appearance of myself.
-sit down and make more conversation or watch them spin quarters until it is time to go.
-get my gym bag and head to gym, keeping an eye on Ryan's locker to see if he is there or if he has already left for band (not a stalker, i just know that is when Jayna has band and they have band together i believe). walk through all the people trying to keep my head held high.
-arrive in the locker room. say hi to Lyndsey then go to the bathroom. get changed. wait for Katelyn. walk up to the gym and wait for attendance to be taken. watch Paul as i do so. also keep an eye on Ian, Emmett, and anyone else that seems attractive that day.
-survive through gym and try to talk to Jocelyn and become somewhat friends. go down to the locker room. get changed. and walk to my locker to get my algebra stuff. keep an eye out for Paul when i walk through the hallway because i normally pass him.
-get my stuff and walk quickly up the stairs to algebra because i'm always afraid i'll be late. pass by the cute freshmen. and sit in my seat to begin algebra.
B DAYS as follows after bio:
-take my break from bio and walk down the stairs, while watching for Ryan, go and talk to Abby for about two seconds, then walk back up the stairs while trying to minimize conversation with Katelyn.
-survive through another period of bio.
-go to my locker and if Becca and Steph happen to be at their lockers, walk in with them. if they aren't there that means they already left and go in by myself.
-normally wait in the lunch line by myself, get lunch, and sit down.
-eat, maybe have a conversation with Becca, but mostly just look at the clock and will it to move faster. keep an eye on Keith.
-lunch ends, walk to my locker with Steph, get my stuff, then walk to algebra with Steph and Becca. sit down.
A AND B DAYS as follows:
-survive through algebra by watching Dimitri and Ian all period.
-walk with Steph back down to my locker while avoiding evil eighth graders running up the stairs.
-get my stuff and walk to english class.
-make it through english class.
-walk back to my locker, while walking down the stairs look out for Ryan who will be coming up the stairs, if i do not see him then look for him at his locker when i pass by.
-get my history stuff from my locker and walk with Steph to history.
-get through history while listening to the lovely chatter and all that stuff too immature for an honors class thanks to Steven, Keith, and Emmett. at least i look at Keith during the period,
-during history sense Adam's presence behind me and beat myself up for not saying anything to him day after day.
-the bell rings and i'm very glad the day is over. walk with Steph to my locker, passing by Ryan's locker again.
-get my stuff and leave while keeping my eyes open for anyone i should be looking at before i leave them all behind.
-take the bus, bus 1 when i go home or bus 2 when i go to the barn. when i go home i listen to my ipod when i go to the barn i wait 5 minutes.
-and then i'm home and i write about my day in this blog.