Tuesday, March 2, 2010

show it off!

i have no idea why i just posted that last post. no it's not some cry for help from me where i want someone to prove something. no worries. i'm just a teenage girl and i like to do spontaneous things...i guess. yeah so ignore that.

guess what i just did! took a picture of my bruise. actually three. it's really pretty. so i'm gonna show you. ooooo. ahhhh. does that make me weird? showing off my bruise. it is the only proof i have that i ride in a dangerous sport. ooooo. a dangerous sport. sounds worse than it is. aren't all sports dangerous though? a girl in my class just broke her pelvis or something like that by dancing. someone else i know did the same thing, except it was more serious, while curling. i guess improv isn't as dangerous but you could fall off the stage or maybe start choking from talking too much. or maybe the person you are improving with could pull out a knife. you never know. piano playing - your fingers could fall off. the danger is always there. always there. it's just the probability that something will actually happen.

anyways back to the main topic. is it wrong for me to show off my bruise? i showed it to all my friends. cause well i'm weird like that. and today i wore a short sleeve shirt so i have no idea how many people saw it. but just to clear things up i wore a short sleeve shirt because i wanted to, not because of my bruise. if i was going to wear it because of my bruise i would have worn it last week. cause i honesty didn't know my bruise was this bad. i can't exactly see it unless i look in a mirror so i had no idea it was this bad until i got home and looked at it in the mirror. so sorry for anyone who saw it today that didn't want to. i would have worn a long sleeve shirt had i known. maybe i wouldn't have. well it's not like anyone asked me about it. too bad. it would have been a great conversation opener.

i wish i could talk more. like use my vocal chords. i don't. and when i do it doesn't come out completely right. know what i mean? like when i talk it doesn't sound like my voice and it doesn't sound like me. it sounds cold and isolated. i hate it. plus i never talk in the first place. gargums. this was supposed to be my year but it's not. it's just pretty much a repeat of last year except now i'm more educated. gr. i was so certain this was going to be my year then i got kind of syked out when everyone was saying they had a feeling it wasn't going to be a good year. why do i let people influence me that way? another thing on my long list of things to change.

so i love Mr. Shoester. whoa. creeper alert. no no no. i'm not a creeper. at least not in real life. i may seem like one on this blog but that is because i talk too much on here. anyways back to Mr. Shoe. here is a quote from him. actually i don't have the actual quote but this is the best i got. "someday you are going to find a boy who loves everything about you, even the things you want to change - those will be the things he loves the most". i'm pretty much waiting for that guy. i'll wait as long as i have to. if i've waited this long i'm pretty sure i can wait another how many years. not to mention i'm planning on having my career figured out before i have a family. why you ask? well so i can focus on my career because then that will be the most important thing in my life. then i can make my family the most important thing in my life. people say sorts of stuff about how success is measured in happiness and love and family and how you don't need to have a big career to be happy and you don't need money. want to know what i think about the people who say that?

they are just using it as an excuse because they aren't happy with what they have made of themselves.

yeah i went there. whatever. i don't know if i actually believe that. i am just stalling so i don't have to do homework. i have an algebra midterm thursday, friday, and monday. i need to finish my "notecard" or cheat sheet. it's an awful system disguised as a good system that the teachers created. you would think kids would figure out it is awful, i mean a teacher created it. anyways you get to fill up a page with any information you want and bring it in to the test with you. most of the time you don't even end of using it because you know it from writing it down. so it's actually just a study technique.

anyways i'm boring you now. anyways. so. yeah. i use those words a lot. okay i'm leaving now because i just got an e-mail. there was a little ding. actually let me read it before i publish this post so i can tell you what it is about and/or who it is from. i haven't read it yet. the suspense is killing me. okay i'm going to go read it now.

HAHAHA. it's an email from the Big E. i have no idea why i even signed up for those e-mails. actually i do. i signed up in hopes they would tell me who would be singing there. hasn't happened yet. but it did mention the college fair it is hosting which i am REALLY looking forward to going to. sunday! woo! after regional history day on saturday. gr. the only reason i am going to that is because it will look good on college applications. anything to get into a good college and out of this town. and plus what else would i do on a saturday? it's not like i have any friends i would want to hang out with or anything i would actually want to do.

oh right. i don't.

i was going to end with that but i hate the whole pity thing. oooh. poor molly. yeah don't say that. i'm fine. anything that is wrong in my life is my fault so don't feel bad for me. i'll figure it all out someday. or not. but now i have to do homework. it's 5:11. when did i start this? over ten mintues ago. bye bye. and my arm/hand hurts.

AH! i also forgot to include the picture. i took three. i don't know which one i like the best. today was a good picture day. somedays i have bad days. i'll just put all of them up. yay! and when you are looking at pictures remember this is a good picture day. ha. and you already saw this pictures because for some reason they always put the pictures on the top. anyway those are thanks to photobooth. thank you photobooth.

i have to think of something good to end with now that is is 5:14. i'll wait until it's 5:15 then i'll write it's 5:15 then i'll go. okay. now i wait. while i wait i'll start counting. nah i won't. that's boring. i'll just keep rambling.

it's 5:15.