Monday, March 22, 2010

i forgot to mention two things yesterday.

one. the day would have been more enjoyable if i had taken a shower before i went over because then my hair wouldn't have been screaming with hunger pains. it was telling me it was hungry all day and it didn't matter if it was up or down. it had those pains for shampoo.

two. i wish i had seen the guy with the black and white stripped shirt. he was in a little restaurant/coffee shop thing and abby mentioned him to me but i couldn't see him and then her dad was leading the parade into Boarders so i never had a chance to see him. too bad. not that i probably would have talked to him but at least i could have seen his face.

i had a pretty rocker outfit today. skinny jeans. a black Hard Rock cafe t-shirt. a killer big turquoise necklace. eye liner. a little bit of purple mascara. hair down in position ready to rock out. and an attitude to go with it. all that that is true except maybe the attitude because i didn't do anything rocker like and no one made any comment.

i had a dream a couple of days ago that i didn't forget. it was like prom and we it was in the gym so all the girls got ready in the locker room. but before that i went shopping and i bought some red tights and converse to go with my purple dress that had some sort of flowery pattern on it. so i was wearing this purple dress that looked nice as it was and i was wearing it with red tights and this converse. if you looked around me you saw girls in their little black dresses showing off their legs. i was rocking my outfit. and then even though we were in the gym there was a stage. but then sometimes the gym changed into an auditorium but bigger than the one at my school. and there was this band playing but no one was paying attention to them. so then i was running through the rows of chairs, while it was an auditorium, and i run down to wear the stage was and i stopped to listen to them and they threw an empty, i believe it was a yogurt container, out and some guy tried to catch it but he didn't and then it hit me in the eye and i fell to the ground. i stayed there and then i got up and i said to one of the guys playing "you just hit me in the eye and you keep playing" and they just said "yep" but i didn't really care, i was more saying that to make conversation. and they kept playing and then i started rocking out in front of the stage. like there was a mosh pit surrounding me but there wasn't. now it was sort of a gym, everyone else was still just dancing around away from the stage. then i called people over and they started to do the same thing. and then it sort of got weird...maeve went missing and it got scary so i made myself wake up. then i tried to go back to sleep while thinking about how i would want the dream to go. that would be involving the band more because it was made up of a bunch of guys my age. enough said.

now time for algebra and cake and novels.