Thursday, March 25, 2010

there's more!

i thought that was all to the personality thing but apparently not. here's more.

This is what we have learned about you:
Your organizational skills are very well developed.
You are somewhat comfortable and interested in learning things on your own.
Your study skills are somewhat strong; you use a few techniques for more effective learning.
The following are the learning styles that you seem to be using most often:
Visual-Spatial - You can usually learn material well when you see it - in the form of pictures, diagrams, graphs, etc. - and use your visual memory and vivid imagination to understand it.
Verbal-Linguistic - You can usually learn material well when it's presented to you in verbal form - textbooks, class discussions, lectures, etc.
(aren't those opposites? but well it's true, i can learn both ways)

the Who Am I? section:
You are usually fun to interact with. People find you pleasant to be around.
You are usually more of an introvert.
You are comfortable with things that are familiar, but show some interest in exploring the unknown, the new, and the unexpected.
You sometimes follow the crowd, but will make it a point to step outside the "norm" occasionally when you feel it's necessary.
You are usually calm and steady. You try not to let things get to you.
You are responsible and meticulous with your schoolwork.
You constantly push yourself to do better.
You are motivated by a challenging academic environment.

Did i post this one? i'm not sure. they are giving me a whole report now and i'm trying to see what i've already read or haven't and i can't remember:
Things that will help you achieve independence
You can usually deal with stressful situations.
Your self-esteem is quite high. You seem to be reasonably happy with who you are.
You usually think positively, generally expecting the best from life.
You are sometimes careful with your money, only occasionally spending it without thinking about where it's going.
You feel pretty good about the prospect of being more independent in college.
Instead of turning to friends or family for support, you would usually rather rely on yourself.

i think most of it if not all of it is true. so if you didn't know who i was already or from this blog well ther eyou go, my life as summed up by a personality test.