Thursday, March 18, 2010

the last hurrah.

this is the last hurrah to boys in general. what does that mean? in this post right now i'm going to talk about all the guys i am somewhat interested in and in guys in general. sound good? wait. i just told you what i am going to write about in this post. my life continues out of this blog you know. anyways after this post i'm going to forget all about boys. why? i don't want to be one of those girls who are obsessed with boys. one of those girls who complain about not having a boyfriend. one of those girls. you know who i am talking about. so i'm going to get it all out of my system right now. actually after i just say what Dana said about girls at our school. they are either really slutty or really nice. agreed. okay. i'm thinking about boys now. and just so you know the order isn't in any order. because if it was in a certain order then that would just make it harder on me. now that i'm thinking about order i don't know what order to put them in. but i have to get moving because i have to leave to babysit in less than 20 minutes. i probably won't finish. oh well.

Ryan Thornhill. have i talked about him yet? i don't remember. he is the boy next door. oooh. ahhh. well what you would consider next door in Westhampton. he's a year older than me which sucks because that means i don't have any classes with him at all. the only time i see him is sometimes in the hallway. then why? i'm not sure when i started to take a fancy to him (haha). maybe my dad said something like "you need a boy like Ryan" or i don't remember. but he's tall. very tall. but i like that. duh. and it's not like i look like a midget when i stand next to him. not that i have actually stood next to him before. but he's smart. chemistry honors? he is in that class while i'm next door in my lovely CP bio. he just seems like a good guy. sometimes i see him when i walk to babysitting or just driving in his car - he just started driving and he has his mom's old car. how do i know? well his mother is our real estate agent so we took a trip with her down to see a lake house and she told us some stories. nothing bad. just about college and driving. you know parents like to talk about their children. but i liked him before that. what is the definition of like? i'm not in love with him just so you know. i don't even know him. which stinks. i would love to get to know him. right now i have no idea. it's just a possibility. it's like that with every boy pretty much. just the possibility that he could be the one is what keeps me holding on. sure he is just one guy out of the millions but there is a chance. there's a chance. anything else to say about Ryan? why yes there is. he sit near me in lunch on A days. he's over my shoulder so i can't see him but he would have a clear view of me. does he ever look at me? does he even know i exist? a lowly little freshman? i'm jealous of Abby Szat from the barn and Karolina who i worked with in the office and Kaylee Dean who i only know by name-face, because they get to have class with him. they have more of a chance of getting to know him. they have more of a chance in general. but do i want a chance? yes i do. i want a chance to get to know him. and oh yeah - he's in a band. he won't sing but still a band is a band. thanks to his mother i know that lovely fact. he was actually at band practice while she was driving with us to look at that house. i need to move on to the next guy or this hurrah will last forever.

Keith Coitnor. he is adorable. in a good way of course. and not in a little kid way. he is also very tall. i guess i like tall guys. but he is a louder guy. like a goof ball. i guess. i'm not sure how to explain him. he's nice i think. i don't know. i know less about him. he's good looking. he makes me smile even if he is trying to make someone else smile. downfall: he's popular. he's one of those guys. yeah. like at the dodgeball thing yesterday when he walked by Rachel Scobal (ewww) she reached out to sort of give him a high five thing and he did and smiled. you should have seen her smug face when she walked away. gr. but he's one of those guys that everyone likes or have had a crush on at some point. he's likeable. but that's about all it goes with me. he doesn't talk to me. he doesn't acknowledge me. well neither does any other guy in this school. i wish i could see below the act he puts on in school. is it even an act? i don't know. i want to know his story. i know nothing about him. frustrating.

Emmett Taylor. i don't like him as much as i use to. i've grown up with him. when he was little he always would spit while he talked. he had really long disgusting hair. then he left for the year of sixth grade. he came back in 7th when we started middle school and he was good looking. very good looking. and he has only gotten handsomer. but again. that's about where it stops. i don't know anything about him. i don't have a chance with him. and if i had to pick between Keith and Emmett with the information i have now i would probably pick Keith. plus Emmett has been with Lauren Larison for a long time. i think they broke up but it looks like they might be getting back together. i don't even know. and i don't really want to say much more about him because i just sort of like how he looks. that's pretty much it. sigh.

Paul Don'tKnowHisLastNameCurrently. how horrible is that? i don't know his last name. well he's the only Paul in our class. let me look it up. he doesn't have a facebook.

OH sidenote. i requested to be Keith's friend a long time ago. he never responded. he's become friends with other people. just not me. that makes me sad.

now back to Paul who i don't know his name. i have even less to say about him than Emmett. he is good looking. and i want to figure out who he is. but i can't. plus he has bad taste in girlfriends. he's been with Marianne for the longest time. i don't know why. the first memory of him though was early in the school year in seventh grade i was sitting on the bus waiting to leave to school and i was probably giving myself some sort of prep talk so i was looking at all the boys walking down the sidewalk and i saw Paul. i thought he was very cute. he still is.

now i have to leave to go babysit. wanna know who is coming up? Adam Munska, Dan Jarowski, Ian Barber, maybe Dimitri, and probably some other people that i'm forgetting. and the last hurrah will continue...later.