Tuesday, March 16, 2010

let's learn something new!

let's not because we are old. well we aren't a child any more.

see what i'm getting at? let's say i want to play softball. i have never played softball before. i don't know the rules of softball. my experience is limited to gym class. how the heck would i learn or get on a team? everyone else my age who plays softball already has been playing for years and they are great at it. so where do i fit in? i play with the elementary school people.

that was my example. my real dilemma is that i sort of want to play soccer. i want to learn how to play well. i played for a while until fourth grade. then i remember one game where i was playing defense and we lost that game. an older girl on my team told me that when the ball is in danger of being scored in our goal that all the defense helps, not just the people covering that side. yeah. i don't remember exactly what i was doing. i was probably just standing there while the other team scored. i was never aggressive. so after that i quit soccer. my parents let me. they wouldn't make me do anything i didn't want to do. i made my own decisions.

what if i wanted to play soccer now? but where and when would i play? i wouldn't make it on the school team because all those girls are amazing. all the girls my age who are still playing soccer have been playing soccer since they were tiny. i want to learn.

i also want to learn how to play piano, drums, and learn how to sing.

why would i want to become a great soccer player or musician or whatever when i'm already good at horseback riding? i'm pretty darn good. that's the only thing i've stuck with. i stopped dancing. i stopped playing the piano. i stopped playing soccer. i didn't stop riding. i have a horse now. so there you go. i guess we don't have anything else to discuss.