Tuesday, March 9, 2010

so you know how i'm kind of weird and everything? well i think like i'm writing a blog. often. so then when it comes time to write a blog i'm not sure what i should write about. i wish i could just save everything that i think and feel and put it in a jar. why? not really sure. is it because i want other people to experience what i'm going? why that? so i can get sympathy from them - noo, i think i just want them to know the truth. or maybe i want to know the truth later. so i will always know what it is like to be a fifteen year old when i'm twenty five and don't give a damn about what i was like when i was fifteen. excuse my language, i couldn't think of any other way to say it.

so guess what? i would of had all As except for my spanish grade. yeah. my spanish grade out of all my grades. that is normally my easy A. whatever. i know i can bring it up. (it's an 88 in case you are wondering) the test i just took i think i did pretty good on.

but in happier grade news - i got a 91 on my last history test therefore giving me a 95 in my history honors class! woohoo! in my english honors class i have a 93. woo! i don't know about my algebra class cause well Mrs. Schott hasn't been here. anyways. tomorrow i get to sign up for my courses and i believe i get a transcript which has all my grades from last years and so far this year. what i am mostly interested in though are two things: 1) my GPA. i'm just really curious as to what it is. because you know that for honors classes they add 10 points so that 95 in history honors would be an 105 in terms of GPA. 2) my class ranking. i am really really curious about that. there are a lot of smart kids in my class and i want to see where i stand. i'm a competitive person. valedictorian isn't out of my mind/sight/reaches. once i see where i am now i can sort of see what i need to do to get there. if i need to keep up my grades now or try harder. the excitement!

so maybe i don't have completely senoritis if i'm still excited about high school GPA and ranking but that is all to help me get into the college i want. Notre Dame? nah. i don't think i'll go there. but a lot of schools give out scholarships based on your high school career. i am planning on going to college on a scholarship. why should i make my parents pay for my education? i know they would have they have been saving for college for my two sisters and me. but chyeah.

i don't have much else to say. well i do but i'm not going to.