Friday, March 19, 2010


i believe that on May 30th i will be watching all the stars from glee. i think so. my mother posted on facebook: "GLEE!!!! Happy early Sweet Sixteen Molly! Love you!" so I am amusing that means she got the tickets. AHHH!

so if i could go back into time what would i do? woah. too serious of a question. erase that. i'm not really sure what to talk about. i'm in a good sort of mood now. except now i may not be able to go over Abby's house on Sunday because now she has rehearsal. she invited me to go out with her, Avarie, and Nicole if that is still on but i would probably feel like the odd one out. so? i have to take a chance sometime since i'm not taking any during school.

um. i think my whole "last hurrah" thing was stupid. i wish i could delete it. well i could but then that would ruin the whole blog thing. i wouldn't be able to say that it is...valid? i don't know it would be all messed up because i deleted that one post. or maybe i should embrace my days when i wrote paragraphs about guys...ahhhh noooo. i should shun those days and move on to better things. like what? not sure. obsess some more over glee? or try to use more vocab words like blithe in my everyday life? too bad i can't pronounce it.

i don't have anything to do other than type nonsense. why you ask? because i was supposed to get the girls i babysit off the bus but then their mother called and said i didn't have to. so now i have nothing to do until my mom gets home to bring me to the barn. i think i am going to go get some food. yummy.