Thursday, March 18, 2010

to wrap up this last hurrah because it was a stupid idea.

i saw Ryan driving home from track today. i was walking home from babysitting. i had a little girl dangling off my arm with her mother, dog, and sister walking in front of me. in my other hand was a camera in it's case. after he pulled into his driveway another car drove in and pulled into the driveway that i didn't recognize. he has friends with cars. grand.

you can just image what i was going to say about everyone else because i just used up all of my energy babysitting and i'm having a hard time putting together sentences now. i still have to study for two different vocab quizzes, one in english and one in spanish, and a bio quiz. wohoo.

my mother asked me if i was feeling okay just recently. i said yes, i was just tired. i am glad she can tell when i'm on my period. whatever. i will endure in silence.

abbybybyyybbbbbybybybbbbbbbbbybybybbbyyyyyyyyy, i miss you. and you just went offline. agaskfgjaksldlfagahaksdflkajsdlfa;lsdkfalskdjfl

i'm going to go listen to Taylor Swift and Glee and hopefully fall asleep and wake up in ten years.

edit: i forgot to mention one thing. i was going to make a new post of it but it is about a guy so i think i should include it in this post. last night at the dodgeball tournament each team was down to one player. one guy, i forget who, had all the balls so he chucked them all at the other guy, Scott Labrie a freshman in my art class. Scott dodged all of them. so now Scott had all but one of the balls. a huge advantage in dodgeball in case you didn't know. guess what Scott did. did he throw them all at the other guy like he did to him? no. that would be expected in this game. but nope. he took a ball and rolled it over to the other side to give to his opponent so it was better matched. then i started routing for Scott to win but he didn't. his good deed didn't help him win. now i'm more interested in this kid. all i know is he is a very good soccer player and he is in my art class. that's all. and he's cute.

sooo. yeah.