Saturday, March 20, 2010


i just read an amazing book. called Tangled. the author who poured her soul, life, time, effort, and everything she had in it is Carolyn Mackler. i started reading it a little less than three hours ago and i just finished it. the only time i stopped reading it was to tell my mother and sisters i wasn't going out shopping with them, to shut the door so i didn't have to listen to the neighbors screaming, and to turn on the light so i could see what i was reading.

it was just really good. if i could i would quote the whole book right now. just rewrite it. but i sort of can't. so go read it. it's not one of those books that will be taught in schools or will become famous like The Catcher in the Rye (i loved that it was mentioned in this book) but i think it is amazing. i really liked it. maybe because it hit home to me. there was a girl who i so wished i actually existed and went to my school. a guy who i could sympathize with. scratch that. a guy who...i wish could have things go his way. a girl who i wished i could mend all her problems, i think i would like to mend the previous guy's problems too, not that i can but still and a guy who i have formed a major crush on. i mean - he's a blogger too. ah. ah. ah. it was really good. while i was reading i memorized some page numbers so i could quote them on here. let me see if i can remember them. i can. 253 is the first one. "But I think it means that 'who we are' can be a fluid thing, subject to change. Or maybe I'm just rambling again'. ahhhh! it's from the first girl i mentioned, Jena, who i adore very much. i really like her. don't sure how to describe my feelings towards her. and the second one i think the page number was either 282 or 292 but i can find it very quickly. it's 292 but 282 is a good page too. "'I like how you are,' I mumbled, staring into the water. My cheeks burned as I said. I kept my eyes on a bloated stick floating a few feet out. 'Really? You really do?' Jena asked. 'Well, I like how you are too.' It was all I could do not to collapse on the gravel path in total disbelief." that quote would be coming from the guy i have a complete crush on, Owen. why don't you have him come into existence and transfer over to my school too. but don't have him fall for Jena. he can fall for me instead.

i'm not sure what else to say about this book. other than i really love it's cover too. now i just read the reviews and quotes from other authors on the back. and two of them need to be shared. "...she reminds us why we're alive and what we might mean to one another if we'd only reach out." -E. Lockhart. uh, isn't that exactly what i've been talking about? like if i only turned around in my seat to talk to Adam behind me? just like if Owen had looked up from his computer, or if Jena had tapped him on the shoulder, then what would have happened? what would happen if i acted like Owen and went to New York City to see a guy? well he went for a girl but same idea. what would happen if a guy came to see me like that? what would happen if i took a risk? why would happen if i reached out? i could go on and on with these questions. instead i'll give you the second quote this time from Daniel Handler otherwise known as Lemony Snicket, "Well, there goes your weekend. You've just picked up Carolyn Mackler's Tangled. Cancel your plans. You're not going to want to be anywhere else." That made me grin when I read it because isn't that what just happened? Saturday afternoon, picked up this book, canceled my plans to go out shopping, read the whole book, and wrote a blog about it. now i'm going to go google Carolyn and see if she has a blog.

edit: i just need to add this quote. i did google Carolyn and i am in the middle of reading her life story. i just wanted her to know that it's working.

"People often ask me now why I write novels for teenagers. Lots of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that I honestly believe that, along with certain friendships, I was saved by the books I read during those years. They spoke to me in a way that nothing else did. They helped me feel less alone. They made me laugh. They made me feel like there was a world bigger than my high school."