Sunday, March 28, 2010

overtired and rock and roll bands? what?

maeve's overtired. she is getting upset at my father. she doesn't want to do her homework and just got upset at it and run upstairs and screamed in a pillow. yay! my mother just came home. i just finished my homework. i'm tired too. i have stayed up till midnight two nights in a row.

my mother asked if i wanted to go to the play but i'm still in my p.j.s and i just finished my homework and i would be going by myself. plus i need to ride my horse today. if i went i would be there until 5. then i would come home eat dinner and go to sleep. at least i think i'm going to ride my horse. we'll see what happens. my family is all sort of askglasdjfl;asdjfkls today. my dad's probably going to yell at me to help bring in the groceries shortly. then mommy is going to say something about the house looking like a mess. it's all fabulous here.

on better news i have found out that my old childhood friend Dakota has a band! yippee! my mother and her mother went to pregnancy or child birthing or whatever those classes are called together along with a bunch of other mothers. the mothers stayed in touch and we got together when we were younger. we were called the baby group. Dakota was part of it but we were closer with each other than everyone else. then she moved away and i didn't see her for a while. i remember once we went to visit her and it was a surprise. we didn't know where we were going. my mother just said it started with a D and we were guessing. i guessed Dinosaur and Dairy Farm. we were incorrect. we didn't guess Dakota until we saw her. and she lived in a farm of sorts and we were in the hayloft playing. i think we did the hokey pokey. and maybe played simon says. that was probably the last time i saw Dakota. my mom said the last time i saw her was second grade. i'm in tenth grade now. eight years ago.

so when my mother discovered the world of facebook she saw that her old friend, Dakota's mother, Lee was on there and Dakota was too she made me join facebook. thanks mommy! and she was i believe my first friend on facebook. she was also my first friend in real life. she was born two days after me. i'm older! ha! but anyways she didn't look how i remembered her. i remembered her as a little girl with long blonde hair. she is a girl my age with short blonde hair and i can tell she is one of those girls who doesn't care what anyone thinks and just does what she wants. well that is obviously true because she bleached her already blonde hair then died the top part an orange color and then died the ends blue. she looks amazing. it's one of those things i would never do. anyways she lives in Vermont now. and in case you didn't now before facebook we had sort of lost track of them and didn't know where they were. anyways now we are facebook friends but i still haven't seen her since second grade.

you are probably wondering what all of this has to do with anything. well she is in a band! woohoo! you know my undying support to all things music related. although i'm not one of those people who know all these ultra cool bands. of course i'm open to them i just don't know them. Dakota knows them i'm pretty sure by all the lyrics she uses as her statuses. occasionally i know what they are from. i think that is once. and once it was a song including the name Molly. so i guess i am more of a top 40 type of girl but you know that doesn't mean i'm not open to all that other stuff. just shove it in my face and i'll listen to it and then listen to it again and either love it or hate it. but anyways. i'm a fan of bands. i had a dream about one the other day, i told you about that. so i was excited when i saw she was in a lovely band. she is the bassist. so i joined the group for her band - Today's Violence. they just had their first gig. i think it was at their school but i'm not really sure. i listened to one of their songs and they aren't half bad. well i came up with the genius plan to go and watch her play along with her fabulously nice-looking guy band mates. so i posted on her wall with some stupid wallpost because i can never think of what to write and i told her i was going to surprise her at her next gig, she just had to tell me when it was. she said that would be a lovely surprise but they didn't have any gigs scheduled currently. i ran this plan by my mother and she said okay. so now i just have to wait and find out when they are going to be playing next.

and when i go i am going to try to make it more exciting. one the video everyone was just sitting in their seats patiently and politely watching. this is a rock concert people. you are supposed to be pressed up against the stage jumping and screaming around. of course it sort of only works if everyone is doing that. but i'll be standing up in the front rocking out to the music while everyone looks at me strangely. you know it's cool. i'll probably have my little sisters and mother up next to me doing the same thing. you know it's all good. i sure that mothers are the fans they are looking for.

but i'm excited. a member of the band even added me as a friend! woo! too bad he hasn't said anything to me. he probably just added me since i became a fan of the band. i think he was Dakota's boyfriend at one point but i only know from facebook. Dakota and I don't talk about stuff like that. actually we don't talk at all. but hopefully after i watch them perform she shall.

time to go. see yeah.