Monday, March 15, 2010


is chivalry dead? i sure hope not. cause a chivalrous guy...chyeah. if any guy is reading this right now, trust me, being chivalrous goes A LONG way. such as giving a girl you sweatshirt when you are outside in a fire drill. or holding the door open for her. such as.

so today was had a fire drill. it was freezing cold outside. and then it started raining. i was eyeing all the guys with sweatshirts. the only one who offered theirs up was Mr. Smith, my art teacher, thank you Mr. Smith for proving that chivalry is still alive even if it is only alive in adults who enjoy jumping on the table and acting like a fool in front of his students. but he happens to be my favorite teacher this year. i felt weird taking his jacket from him but some other girl took it. so hey there you go. but if one of those other boys who was actually in high school offered me his jacket i might have given him my heart in return.

maybe not. but a girl can dream.

and read books in hope that maybe if it happened in a book it can happen in real life. the author has it get it from somewhere, right? that doesn't explain all the fantasy books but let's just ignore them from now. i read a book in a day. big surprise. i believe that was Saturday. it's called North of Beautiful and it is written by Justina Chen Headley. it was good. very good. i don't get how she can get time to just flow so easily without having to break up the story to make sure people know that the time is changing. well i was confused once or twice but that's just me. she should give me a lesson on that. or any author. because most excel at it.

what should i write about. should i write about how i just assume at this point this is going to be published so all different people are going to read it. well i can't just not address them at all can i? so hi.

i don't have much else to say. it's two minutes to eight and i'm going to get ready for bed shortly. daylight savings time was sunday night. it made me very tired today because it felt like i was getting up at 5:30 instead of 6:30. ah. i just don't want to go to sleep. so i'm blabbering on. it's probably my blabbering that will make me not get this published.

will i even remember about this? what if i never because successful enough in my career without this to even publish this because someone isn't going to publish some random woman's teenage life story. nuh uh. more reason for me to become a very successful business woman.

maeve got a cell phone. yep. she's in seventh grade. i got mine when i was in ninth. but whatever. i don't mind cause she's in track and she actually needs her. i barely even use mine. i don't have any to text. and well i find texting rude most of the time. chyeah. i don't like that word. chyeah. or kbye. i HATE kbye. probably because Katelyn uses/used it. and i really don't like it when people say it outloud. or say "G-T-G" out loud. got what i'm saying? but i'm just quirky.

will there every be someone. correction. some one of the male gender who is straight or bi i guess. ANYWAYS. you know what. i'm not going to continue. i just lost my feel for that sentence. next paragraph.

this is the next paragraph i was talking about just up there. ah. i need to get into the shower so i can go to bed.

"out damned spot! out i say!"
< 3 ish Macbeth

STUPID BLOGGER WON'T LET ME PUT A HEART! i am tired. let me try that again.
blogger is not doing what i wish. it is not allowing me to play a heart using the less than symbol and then a 3 following it. hopefully it will change its ways soon.