Saturday, March 27, 2010

2nd night.

guess what i did tonight? i went to the Wizard of Oz again!

no cute boys to talk about tonight. too bad.

but i have one thing i need to say. i feel terrible because i wrote a telegram and i started listing people and i forgot a TON. of course if i could re-do it would include them but they don't know that. all they know is that their name wasn't on the telegram. it makes me sad thinking about. i was thinking about it the whole rest of the show when i saw their faces on stage and i realized i hadn't included their name. i almost want to go tomorrow just so i could make sure i put all of their names on.

last night i was closer to the back than the front and today i was in the fourth row, straight in the center! woo! that is what kind of seats you get when you get there at 6:30 and the shows starts at 7:30. i'm pretty sure it was another sold out show. crazyyyyy. i mean this is a high school performance, you don't normally get that kind of reception in a high school in the middle of nowhere. well then again maybe because it is in the middle of nowhere no one has anything else to do so this is the big thing. but it was worth waiting in line so i could be close enough to see the expressions on the actors faces. i like that a lot. being able to see their facial expressions, guess what they're thinking. to me they aren't these famous actors, they are people very similar to me except they decided to get up on stage in front of a bunch of people after pouring million of hours after school into it. so yeah.

so about the show. i think what made it so fabulous was the dog. even though the dog did hog the spotlight when he was playing with the apples, poor Sarah get jibbed on her solo but the dog was great. if they just had a stuffed dog it wouldn't have been nearly as good. and also it was good because we knew who everyone was. when Lucas walked on stage everyone started laughing. people who didn't know Lucas would have wondered why everyone was laughing. you know stuff like that.

there was something else i was going to just slipped my mind because i'm watching YouTube videos on t.v. with my family. darn it. it was probably something important because everything i say on this blog is important. yep yep.

ohh. so you know when the play is done everyone is crowding in the hallway. you have the mixture of people who just want to get out of there, people who wanted to see the cast member they were there to see, and the cast members coming out from backstage to see everyone who came to see them. so i just wanted to make it to the other side of the crowd so i led the way for my family. i made it through and then Maeve came through then Maura and my mom. and my mom said that Abby was looking for me. i looked in the mosh of people for her but i couldn't see her. and i looked my sisters and they looked ready to leave. so we just left and i didn't even get to give Abby a hug.

i kind of want to go tomorrow just so i can say i went all three days. my family doesn't want to go. they say they would drop me off but i don't want to go by myself. maybe i'll go with the girls i babysit. even though i think they thought there was a 2:00 show today but there wasn't. anyways right now the chances of me going tomorrow are looking grim. but at least i can say i went to two out of three, that is more than half.

i think i'm done talking. i might go have a piece of pizza. and luckily i didn't have to hide in my bedroom today because my whole family is still up. last night i was up until midnight because i got an awful tickle in my throat and i had to get water and i was coughing and it was awful.

i remember back when they were first casting the Wizard and there was a bunch of crap on Facebook about who the casted. Lucas wanted to be the Lion but he ended up being a With...Cam got upset because he wanted to be the scarecrow and then someone posted something and there was a big argument. well i'll tell you that Lucas wouldn't of had the reception he got if he was a Lion. and i don't think anyone could have been as good of a witch as him. and Cam was a darn good coroner, he got lots of good laughs.

everyone was fabulous though, even those people in the back just dreaming of their day when they are in the front getting the most applause. it will happen one day. or it won't. so just hang in there.

and there was a hilarious guy sitting next to my mom who would always laugh really loud and clap his hands together. it was funnier listening to him than the actual thing he was laughing at. and there was a cute little girl dressed up like Dorothy. she was wearing her ruby red slippers, her blue dress (even though our Dorothy had a pink dress), and had her hair in pigtails. she looked like the Dorothy in the movie more than Rory did. but she didn't have a little dog following her around and defending her against Lion and guys searching for her after a twister. that dog was adorable.

okay i really should go now. i've talked way too much.

just be careful. just be careful. stay away from that jitterbug. stay away from that jitterbug. that jitterbug. jitterbug.