Friday, March 12, 2010

i have decided something.

i don't like perfume. or strong smelling lotion. in large quantities. it's like GAHAHWHAT'STHATOVERWHELMINGSMELL. yeah. does that make me less girly and relatable because i don't like perfume? i hope not because guess what i'm a human and you are a human so let's relate!

hahahdkgajdlkfjahhahah. that was really genius right there. i think i'm going to repeat it. i'm a human and you are a human so let's relate! genius. that is what makes me so special. coming up with stuff like that.

ohafkgjald. sorry for all the alkdjflak i'm just in that sort of mood. please hold while i take my lovely MacBook and run upstairs to my room with it. okay back. i needed to be in the same room as where that book you reminded me about is located.

it's called How to Win Friends and Influence People and it is written by Dale Carnegie. my dad has been trying to make me read it since forever but then my english teacher mentioned it and was raving about it and said that Atticus from To Kill A Mockingbird follows this book and such then I had to read it. i'm not that far. i'm in the middle of the third chapter which is page 40 out of 260ish. wooo!

anyways let me tell you how to win friends and influence people. just kidding. read the book if you want to know that. i highly recommend it from the two and half chapters that i've actually read.

but there was thing i wanted to talk about relating to that book but first you need some background knowledge.

there was a Red Cross blood drive at my school a few days ago. WOAH. i'm not against giving blood AT ALL. it just seemed like a lot of the kids were doing it because they wanted to "be a good person". they weren't doing it because it would save lives but because it would make them feel like they were being good or doing the right thing or whatever. and if they didn't weigh enough or didn't have enough iron they were all upset they couldn't give blood. maybe their intentions were in the right place but i was just under the impression that they just wanted to wear that sticker so everyone would know that they are a good person and they just helped safe a life.

so the night after that day i come and start reading that lovely book i was talking about and look at this quote:

"Every act you have ever performed since the day you were born was performed because you wanted something. How about that time you gave a large contribution to the Red Cross? Yes, that is no exception to the rule. You gave the Red Cross the donation because you wanted to lend a helping hand; you wanted to do a beautiful, unselfish, divine act. 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.'
"If you hadn't wanted that feeling more than you wanted your money, you would not have made the contribution. Of course, you might have made the contribution because you were ashamed to refuse or because a customer asked you to do it. But one thing is certain. You made the contribution because you wanted something."

substitute blood for money. I was grinning when I read that. that was EXACTLY what i was thinking not 12 hours earlier. so i like the book.

i'm reading another book right now called Cracked Up to Be and I believe it is by Jessica Summers or someone Summers. but that is from memory. so i better check. ah. it's by Courtney Summers. but I like it a lot. i even read it at lunch. i think i am going to get something to eat and read it. too bad i have a pretty kitty on my knee. i'll be back hear soon enough. EWWWWW. i just said "hear" instead of "here". what have i become?