Thursday, March 25, 2010

this is my personality according to a college personality test thing to try to match me with the right college

This is what we have learned about you:
Because of your warm and agreeable personality, it's easy to get along with you.
Your people skills are very strong, making you comfortable in most social situations.
You can be somewhat shy when you first meet new people, but you usually warm up to them eventually.
You're quite versatile: You're comfortable spending time on your own, with a small group of good friends, or in a big crowd.
Sometimes it feels better for you to do your own thing, but you usually don't mind jumping into what your friends are doing.
You don't want to fade entirely into the background among other students, preferring to stand out a little and be a bit more of an individual.

This is what we have learned about you:
Your outlook is almost always positive: Others might see the clouds, but you focus on the silver linings.
You don't let your emotions get the best of you; you rarely feel out of control.
Some situations can get you a little worked up, but you're usually pretty calm and steady.
Even if you sometimes need to work at it, you usually have a good understanding of yourself and why you do and feel as you do.
Even if other people and their emotions are sometimes a mystery to you, you're usually fairly comfortable understanding others.
When life knocks you down, you usually can get right back up again.
In general, you feel comfortable with who you are, even if there may be areas where you want to improve.
You are generally comfortable relying on yourself, but you're OK with asking for help when you really need it.
You seem to be close to your family and will likely miss them, which could make going away to college a little difficult. However, you realize that this is a part of becoming independent.

This is what we have learned about you:
It's rare for you to overlook any detail in your academic work. You're thorough and careful.
You consistently work hard to give your best effort.
You have set very high goals for yourself.
You are very confident about being able to succeed in college.
You are somewhat open to new experiences, ideas and viewpoints.
You constantly push yourself to do better and improve your performance.
It's natural for you to compare your performance with other students - and you want to do well in those comparisons.
You are looking forward to being independent in college, but sometimes you get a little worried about it too.

This is what we have learned about you:
You can dig deep within yourself to find the motivation to keep going.
You have a structured and well coordinated approach to your academic work.
From what you told us, it seems that you received a lot of encouragement from your parents to attend college.
A challenging class environment motivates you to work even harder.
You are determined to expand your knowledge and skills once you get to college.
You hope to improve your life and your future prospects through your college education.
Using college to gain the knowledge and skills you need to get a prestigious job is important to you.
In your view, college is a place to get a good, practical education.
You are very interested in meeting new people and making friends in college.