Tuesday, March 30, 2010

just so random things.

first off jayna must have caught wind that i was upset yesterday at lunch. which made her even more upset. so upset that when she said she was sorry and i gave her a hug that she started crying. i was going to go to the bathroom with her but then she just ran away. now i feel bad. but i know that everything will be okay. jayna just needs to take a day off and relax, this whole being a crow in a play has got her too stressed out. but i'm not going to worry about it. so that's that. i'm not mad at Jayna. and i know that everything will work out. just have to keep holding on.

on a more positive note? maybe not. but i just started reading this book. so this girl, Hannah, thinks that her "soul mate" is this guy name Josh who cares about the world, and reads, and is into politics, and such but he's just all talk. do you an image of him? well he has a girlfriend and he flirts with Hannah. and Hannah is freaking out because she thinks he likes her and she is ahhh! i should ask him about blah blah. what she doesn't realize is that annoying guy, Finn, that she also works with is perfect for her! he cares about her and doesn't go around talking about helping the planet. so when one guy picks on Hannah (long story short) Finn beats up the guy while Josh just comes over and talks to Hannah. and then Finn interrupts Hannah and Josh. and Hannah just treats Finn like dirt! Finn is Hannah's soul mate! it's obvious how the story is going to go but Abby if there is ever a situation that i am in like that i would like you to yell in my face until i understand who is the correct guy for me. k? of course maybe i have to figure it out for myself but it would help to have a little clarification about the correct guy.

and i would to mention something Mr. Broaddus said today about how birds don't choose to migrate, it's instinct. which can be translated so say that i don't choose to look at all these guys and think these thoughts about them - it's instinct. of course it's a bit modified than "animal instinct". more like i just want them to talk to me. but you know it's along the same lines. so there is my justification.

there was something else...maybe that was all. i get to walk to babysitting in the pouring rain. it is pouring out. and the wind is blowing. i'm going to have fun. too bad Ryan is at track. too bad it would be illegal for him to drive me. well he gets out of track at 4 today and i get out of babysitting at 4:30 so he could give me an illegal ride then. probably not. the woman i babysit for will either offer me a ride so i'll walk home in the rain. YAY!

ah. i think that is it. each day seems like a repeat of the next. ignoring the Jayna drama but i am because that would be the first piece of drama that i was dragged into and i was dragged into it because someone didn't want to drag me into it. make sense? well whatever. i'm already over and done with it. i would be very happy if it was never brought up again. i'm just like that. i think i am going to do something more productive for the last 15 minutes before i have to go babysit. like to go the bathroom then read and try not to forget to leave no matter how appealing it is to stay home, dry and warm.