Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side.

I just got that joke now. Like legit. I've been seeing something on tumblr that says this: "Person One: I've heard this joke at least a million times in my life so far, but just 2 minutes ago I finally got it. For about 13 fucking years have I known this joke, but never actually got it. How the fuck do I proceed with my life from now one? Person Two: Wait, wait, wait. I think I just got it too. What the fuck. They don't mean other side of the road. They mean death - the after life. What the fuuuuuuck."

I have seen that on tumblr for a few days now, several times each day, and I haven't gotten it. I'm like how is a road going to bring you to the after life? Like you have to cross a road and it leads you to death? Like the road to heaven?

Then I got it. If a chicken crosses the road, then he will be hit by a car, the chicken will die, and now the chicken is on the other side. Not the other side of the road, the other side as in he's dead. Oh my goodness. That is such a morbid joke. Why do little kids tell it? Why is it such a widespread joke?

My life has just been changed dramatically with this piece of knowledge. I will remember this for the rest of my life.

Ah anything else I have to say now just seems insignificant.

But I do just want to keep this text on the records because it's the first one that's made me smile in a while: "Hi =) I can't really talk now, have a music lesson soon, and then i have to drive home, but id love to talk to you when i get back home =)"

Now he just has to talk to me in school. Or I guess, I have to talk to him...