Tuesday, March 15, 2011

hi, some random things for you.

1st. i put together a whole presentation in 3 hours. it was pretty good. but i didn't go because we ran out of time. but when i practiced it was pretty good. i think part of the reason i procrastinated was just so i can say i did it all in one day. maybe that isn't something to be proud of, procrastination i mean. but i'm pretty darn proud of finishing it in 3 hours.

2nd. Maura is watching Glee right now and I'm not. Why not? Because she started it before I got home and she was half way through so i didn't make her rewind it and start it over. But I can hear it. And it's killing me. My music is up so loud and I'm listening to the same songs over and over again. "Happily Ever After" and "All About Us" both by He is We and my song "Oh, Darling" which is my love. And gahhh. So I can't start it until it's over, which will be 9, and then i won't finish it until close to 10, and then i have to take a shower, then it will be 10:30. I should have taken a shower right when I got home. Ah

Glee then was available to watch.

Now it's 9:56 and I must finish this post.

I love Glee. Minus when they attack Republicans, cause that episode had more of that than I would have liked. But when they sing. I love it. Gah. I wish I could sing like them. And Kurt and Blaine? I love them both. "I think it's adorable, and I think you're adorable." Ahhahahahhahh.

3rd. We saw a preview of the play today. And Abby, I know how you feel when you see them up there and you're just like "that could be me, I would be right there, if only I had stuck it out." Yep. I did it with Irish dancing. It sucked even more because I saw Maeve doing everything that I would have done. She picked out her dress. She designed it. She danced in front of everyone. She felt amazing winning that 1st. She felt beautiful. And I just sat at home on my computer. Yeah it sucks. For the longest time I wished I had continued irish dancing, I don't think about it as much now because Maeve stopped too. But still I wonder how good I would be now if I had stuck with it. Now I'm really wishing I had. I would be able to show off in front of everyone and people would come and watch me dance. They would see me looking gorgeous in my dress and my hair all nice with my wig and they would be amazed at what I can do. That doesn't happen when I ride. Blah, this was supposed to help Abby feel better about quitting the musical but all it's done is make me feel worse about quitting Irish dancing and I haven't thought about that in forever. ):

I need to go to sleep though, I said my goodnights. Goodnight.