Friday, March 11, 2011

A typical teenage problem...that I don't have.

So let's see if you can agree with me on this. Most teenagers are out doing things all the time, so they barely get a chance to relax and see their family. The teenager could view this as a problem, or it's more the parents who have a problem with this, or both.

Yeah I don't have that problem. I have the exact opposite problem. I see my family too much. I'm home too much. This entire week has consisted of me coming over after school, minus my riding lesson, then having dinner with my family. We eat dinner every single night together. We are with each other every single night. Last weekend? Let me think. Did I go out one night? Wow, that's different. Then Saturday? Oh right, I spent the entire day with my family. Sunday? Spent the day with my family, shocker.

Sure, maybe in the future I will treasure the time I spent with my family, but right now? I see them too much. I don't do anything. This is supposed to be the time when you have no worries so you go and have fun. I don't have many worries, minus a few school-related stupid things, but I don't do anything fun. Once IEA is done I am going to do NOTHING. I don't have a riding lesson twice a week, I won't ride at all actually. Then APUSH will pretty much be over and I'll barely have any homework so more time to do NOTHING.

I know I shouldn't be complaining since this is so insignificant and I should be so happy that I have a family to do things with. I'm just pissed off that I don't do anything. It's my own fault. My fault for not having more friends to do things with. My fault for not getting my driving appointments done so I could have my license. My fault for selling my horse. My fault for quitting babysitting. My fault for not getting another job. My fault for not being more exciting. My fault for being a boring person.

I'm just annoyed and frustrated. Thank God for tumblr or else I don't know what I would do with all this free time because that's all I have. Stupid free time. And nothing to do with it. Let's see this weekend? Tonight I'm going to eat dinner with my family and do homework, tomorrow? Riding lesson, more homework, eat dinner with my family, and spend the whole day with them. Sunday? Let's see, more homework, spend the day with my family, and do nothing else.

Why am I so boring? Why I am so stupid? Actually I'm not stupid. My math teacher even said that people would die to have my brain in math. I got an almost perfect score one of the sections of PSATs. I thought I was failing APUSH but I really have a 77 which will go up to an 80 by the end of the quarter, then I'll be on honor roll like I have for all my life. Yeah I'm smart. Doesn't that come with territory though? You're smart so you stay home and do homework all the time. Oh well then.

I'm sick of this blog post. I think I'm going back to tumblr, or going to look at colleges online, or do APUSH homework. HA. my life is a joke currently.