Tuesday, March 29, 2011

that went surprisingly well.

i told my family and my mom was like "Adam's a good kid" and maeve was like "aww i love Adam" and i told Bella and she just went "awwww!" a bunch and giggled and was all happy for me. maura told my dad. i kind of wish i got to tell him, just to see his reaction. i got through the whole daddy doing his whole thing, i don't mind, i would rather him do that instead of him just not being here. after i get through tomorrow then pretty much almost all the hard stuff is done. then i would have gotten through being asked, telling my parents, and the day after i was asked. all i have to do now is get a dress, figure out what i'm doing before and after prom, and pray to God that Josh doesn't ask me because I don't want to have to say no.

but you know i'm happy. who would have thought that i would have been asked to prom? who would have thought that there is a chance that second boy would have asked me to prom? i'm just molly. i don't know what they see in me. i don't know why adam asked me, and not someone else.

and here's the thing. i don't know how prom is going to go. i don't know what adam was thinking when he asked me. i don't know what he was thinking when he was talking to me online. i don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. i don't know what josh is going to think when he hears i'm going to prom with adam. i don't know what's going to happen before or after prom. i don't know what's going to happen with adam and i this month before prom and after prom.

all i know is that prom is one night. it's not my whole life. it's not a huge deal. it's not like i'm committing my life to the guy i go to prom with. i know that i'm going to have fun, no matter what. i'm not going to let my head get to me or little drama get me down. i'm going to have a good time. so whatever happens happens, i'm not going to sweat it. i mean if i could tell my parents then i'm pretty sure i can do anything.

so i'm in a happy mood. i was freaking out a bit when i was talking to abby because i was doubting everything. but i'm not even going to go there. i'm just going to smile and blush, like i apparently do and everything will be good.