Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"today, a stranger and I shared a deep conversation. now, we aren’t strangers."

that is what i did last night. i ended up staying up until almost midnight talking to him. you might think i'm crazy but i'm going to explain some more, then maybe you'll still think i'm crazy.

do you remember when i watched those aquaticsh33p videos? i know i posted about them. i'm not going to go find the post, even though i am really tempted to. it will just take too long. anyways i had talked to the boy, Seth, via twitter a little bit. i told him to get a tumblr, which he did get. then i didn't talk to him for a long time, just followed him on tumblr and he followed me. then the other day he posted his skype name and said that anyone could add him. it was late at night and i was just like "why not?" so i did. and after a little while he accepted or whatever. but last night was the first night we were both on at the same time. so i you know try to make simple conversation, what's up and stuff. and he said he was dealing with immature people and how it was annoying. he was just giving me simple answers. then i told him that if he ever wanted to vent or talk about it to someone who knows absolutely nothing about what is going on, feel free to talk to me. and he was so grateful, in his words: "AWUEHSDIXKJLCMFSDFSIOJDOXKF thank you thank you. i really appreciate that." but he said he wasn't in the mood to rant, so i continued trying to make small talk you know. until he says "i dont know i just wanna cry atm.." so i offered to listen to him talk again, or just leave him alone. and he said thank you and such again, and then he offered the same to me. i said maybe i would tell him about my life. and he said that it would help take his mind off of stuff. so i basically wrote him a novel about stuff in my life, nothing that i haven't mentioned in here. and he said the quote that i posted yesterday after we talked for a few more minutes. then he shared his life with me. this poor boy, people have not been good to him. we talked for like another 40 minutes. of course it was late and i knew that i should go to sleep but i wasn't just going to leave him in that state. i wouldn't leave anyone like that. sometimes you just need someone to talk to. who knows what would have happened if i just left after he told me all of that?

now you might think i'm crazy cause this is the second guy i have talked to online but it's not like the whole creepy stalker thing. this is just a teenage boy who is getting all tangled up in life. and if me, just a stranger communicating through the internet, can help make his life a little bit better, than i'm going to do it, even if it means i lose an hour of sleep.

i'm planning on talking to him today to make sure he's okay. i don't want anything to happen to him. and the title of this is a quote from his tumblr that he posted after i went to sleep last night. but okay. i should go do some homework.