Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So I got asked to prom today. I know, right? Me? But it happened. So if you aren't Abby or you don't already know, make your guesses now as to who asked me. So I was leaving study hall and Adam comes up and says "hey, I have a question for you" and I say "yeah?" and then he asked if i wanted to go to prom with him. to which i was completely shocked and stunned at and was like whakjaskdf, and said "really?!" and then he was like yeahhh and i somehow managed to get out "yeah, maybe, i'll talk to you later" which was pretty stupid of me. then i had to get to my next class and of course tell abby.

but yeah i was so shocked. it wasn't like i didn't think it was a possibility that he would ask me, i just didn't think he actually would. but he did. ahaha.

so at lunch said to Mollie and Katelyn, "so i had an exciting morning, Adam Munska asked me to prom" and the two of them in unison said "REALLY?!" to which i said yeahhhh. and then Sarah sat down and she asked what was happening so I told her and she said "REALLY?!" so that was just the reaction of the day. but Katelyn was so excited for me, which was a nice surprise. and apparently i blushed completely when i told them, which Mollie pointed out to me and thought was cute.

but i'm excited. yeah the more i'm talking about it the more excited i am. and i'm talking to him on facebook too, he messaged me first thank you very much. it's a bit awkward but that's probably because we normally talk to each other in person. but the question is what about Josh? yeah, i sort of figured that he would ask me. but Adam asked me first. which is a twist in things, but not a bad one.

ah but i'm still sort of like ahahdflas not really sure what to think. maybe because i don't know what he's thinking. if i sort of knew then maybe i would feel better about the whole thing. like why did he ask me? well i guess the answer to that is because he wanted to go to prom with me. but is that it? what's all the stuff surrounding it because nothing is ever that simple. did he just because he felt like he needed a date, so i was his choice, or because he sort of...likes me. i don't know.

and now what's going to happen? will i actually talk to him in study hall? that might requiring moving my seat, and that's sort of a big move. we have a whole month before prom, hows that going to change things? and then i can't help but think of farther ahead on the actual night of prom, hows that going to play out? ah, i'm getting ahead of myself. i have to actually tell my family first of all. i'm not feeling too scared of that, i want to see what they'll say. my mom and maeve know adam from the barn and such but still.

i'm sort of nervous and i'm not really sure what to think and my conversation with him to seconds ago didn't really help that at all. read: "A: hey molly M:hi! i was just about to message you, i wanted to say yes, i didn't make that very clear, but yes, i would love to go to prom with you. A: hah cool yeah i didn't know if you would be able to because I know that you have a horse show the same day right? M: i have it the day afterwards, i'll just be a bit tired but ehhh whatever. A: o alright yeah I have SAT's the next day, so we will both be tired lol M: ahh that sucks too. at least at the horse show i won't actually have to think. A: hahah You don't have to think at horse shows? Sounds like something I might be interested in M: haha, well not really at this one because i'm not showing, my club is just running it. but you should come see one sometime. A: Yeah i'd like that where is this one at? M: This one is up in goshen, we have a good number up there. I don't know how much I'm actually going to be showing because I don't have a horse, but the summer's still a ways away. A: o thats not too far, do you guys ever have any out of state? M: not usually, we just do local lowkey shows during the summer. sometimes during the winter and IEA season we go farther. A: cool alright well, I gotta get going, lots of math homework to do! M: Mrs. Schottttttt, but let me give you my number before you go because i never did, i don't have enough reception at my house to make phone calls but i have unlimited texting: 588-1570 A: o neat, heres mine : 336-0083 M: alrightyy, have fun with that homework. A: o I will cya later M: bye! A: bye

yeah i'm not really sure what to think about that either. so when i don't know what to think, i go to abby.