Saturday, March 5, 2011

it's 5:09 and i'm tired.

what else is new? meaning i'm always tired. tired about everything.

i woke up at 7 today to go to a bowlaton thing, which was kind of boring. then we went out to eat and then to Maeve's history day, which was really boring. it was just like when i went. pointless and boring. then i came home. i spent the whole day with Auntie Julie, i even rode in the car with her because i wasn't going to make her ride by herself and no one else would have gone in the car with her. so i did. it wasn't that bad. i'm just exhausted now. like i felt this tired at 9 o'clock last night, it's 5:17 now. no it didn't take me 8 minutes to write that, i just write some then go to tumblr, cause this is kind of boring too.

i really should do IDSs but i'm so tired i know that it won't go anywhere. i just want to snuggle up in front of the t.v. and do nothing for the rest of the night. that is actually extremely probable. abby's working. josh and nicole are at berkley and i texted nicole and she texted me back and then i texted her back, but that was like a half an hour ago and i haven't heard back so i don't think i will. i could text Dana to occupy me but i don't have anything to say to her. so another boring night for me. that's alright, i'm too tired to do anything anyways.

oh cute story. Auntie Julie and I were walking into the restaurant and in front of us was a dad with his son. the dad held the door open for us and the boy kept walking and there was another door. so he opened the door looked and saw that his dad was holding up the door for us, so he did the same. that little boy is so cute and fabulous. he is going to be the type of boy you want to go out with. he will treat everyone as they should be treated. he'll grow up into a good man.

i don't know why i like it so much when guys hold the door open. i feel like it is just a courteous gesture. like they're thinking of people other than themselves. now i'm not saying that if a guy doesn't hold the door open he's a douche, i won't think any less of a guy if he doesn't hold the door open, i'll just think more of him if he does.

okay it's getting dark in here so i think i am either going to turn on a light or shut my laptop and go watch tv. i pick the second option.