Friday, March 18, 2011

i'm so tired.

i should be in bed. but i probably won't have time to write tomorrow, or i shouldn't because i should be doing homework because i have a certain amount of time to do homework this weekend because who knows how long the parade will last on sunday.

but i thought today was going to be a bad day. i was exhausted all day but you know the test went fine, the spanish presentation went fine, and i just got through another week. and i talked to Adam in study hall today, i told him that he has to look at the board i made at the barn, i don't know if i told you about that, but i'm not going to now. and then i talked to him at the barn. i was helping to set up jumps and he was getting shavings and i asked him if he had Mr. Dewitt and if he finished all his IDS and had the test today. and he asked me about AP. and i liked how he stopped what he was doing and looked at me and talked to me. he wasn't still working, he stopped and acted like talking to me was the most important thing right now. that's something little but i really liked that. i had to tell him that i would let him keep working so he wasn't here forever. but the best part was when i finished Pride's stall he was finishing up his last stall and i told him about how the bus driver wouldn't let us get on the bus and we had to walk, and how i just finished my last driving appointment so soon i would have my lesson. and he asked me where i went to driving school and we said how Kurt is awesome. and i asked him how long he had had his license for, then said, long enough to legally drive people? and he said yeah, and i said we should have had you give us a ride. and he said if i ever needed a ride. and i said i didn't have his number or anything and he said he would give it to me. but he didn't have his cellphone with him and he didn't know his number, so i asked if he was going to be here tomorrow, and he said he would, so i said he could then. and then we talked about regionals. and he asked what i was doing this weekend and that was pretty much it.

look at me. all grown up, asking guys for their number. i never actually asked Josh for his, Abby just sort of gave it to me. and yeahhh maybe he just said he didn't have his phone and didn't know his number, but i don't think Adam would have done that, he wouldn't have offered to give me a ride in the first place, and he wouldn't have offered to give me his number. so.

it's not wrong of me to be talking to Adam, not at all. i'm not going out with Josh. not at all. i just text him every night, or he texts me every night. if i don't text him before 8 o'clock then he has always texted me. but that's pretty much it. so i don't see anything wrong with talking to Adam, especially since he is the same thing Josh is, a friend.

i'm glad i talked to him though. i like Adam. and now i have a reason to definitely go to the barn tomorrow.

also, i love it when my mom tells me to slow down but she was going that speed there earlier today. but you know, you just bite your tongue and don't say anything.

and now i'm really going to sleep. like legit, i'm going to shut down my computer, go upstairs, get in my pjs, and sleep. then i'm going to wake up in the morning and go get a boy's phone number. it's all cool.

i'm just so awesome.