Monday, March 21, 2011

happy first day of spring to you snow.

so today is the first full day of spring, yesterday it started at like 6 or something. so spring today. but it's snowing. it actually snowed a good amount and it all stuck. All the trees are covered in the snow. The driveways are covered with snow. There is just snow everywhere. Last week I was wearing short sleeves. Yesterday I got sun burnt. Blah, I hate the snow. Just go away now.

Today was the blood drive at school. I remember talking about it yesterday and how I thought people were just doing it because well, let me just look it up. okay here you go "there was a Red Cross blood drive at my school a few days ago. WOAH. i'm not against giving blood AT ALL. it just seemed like a lot of the kids were doing it because they wanted to "be a good person". they weren't doing it because it would save lives but because it would make them feel like they were being good or doing the right thing or whatever. and if they didn't weigh enough or didn't have enough iron they were all upset they couldn't give blood. maybe their intentions were in the right place but i was just under the impression that they just wanted to wear that sticker so everyone would know that they are a good person and they just helped safe a life." That's from March 12th 2010.

Today I helped at the blood drive. And when I say helped that means I stood next to people and talked to them as they were giving blood to just keep them company and make them not feel as freaked out. And then I would keep them company as they sat out their 15 minutes afterwards and give them snacks and stuff. I actually liked doing it, I had a lot of fun. I talked to people I don't normally talk to, like Devin, Cam, Eric, Dan, Tasha, and Michelle a bit. I liked it. I didn't mind seeing the blood and needles and stuff, as long as I knew it wasn't going into me. The only time I felt a little light headed was right after Abby was done giving blood and she was still laying down there. I felt it coming on, so I just left and went and talked to Steph. I don't know why it was then and not when I was talking to anyone else. Maybe it was because I was hungry? I don't know, because I was fine for the next hour that I didn't eat. But I liked hanging out and talking with Becca, Abby, and Steph. I was actually thinking about giving blood myself but then I realized that I had been out of the country recently so I couldn't. When I went to history class though the second I sat down I was just so exhausted. Like I could barely keep my eyes open. Probably because I was running around and doing stuff all day, I had to be positive and awake and upbeat for everyone giving blood. Then I was just so exhausted.

Um. I didn't really feel like people were doing it just because it made them feel like they were a better person today. I don't really know. But everything went okay. I missed not eating at second lunch cause I told Josh that I was going to and he seemed excited, as excited as you can seem from a text. But that's alright, I didn't mind eating later. I just ate everyone else's food. I think I ate food from six different people today. I consider that a success.

What else? I might go see Holyoke High put on Hairspray, i wanted to go see it Thursday but that was when I thought we had a late start on Friday but it's actually Tuesday through Thursday. I might go then anyways, because the other day I could go is Sunday but Abby can't go that day. So yeah it's looking like Thursday. if I really wanted to push it, I could try to go the same day that Josh goes but he probably won't go Thursday since he has martial art, so yeah that probably won't happen.

I'm really cold. The heat's turned up though. And I have my jacket on. Ah I should go do homework so then I can chill until Pretty Little Liars. I think I'll start homework 4ish. Until then, tumblin I go.