Tuesday, February 1, 2011

um. i didn't really have a plan about what to post about.

just so you know i want to be successful and significant. that's what the builder on extreme home makeover said. but then i am remembered of a quote from Emerson, which of course i can't find now. but it was mentioned in English class. maybe you know what i'm talking about, maybe you don't. i'm too tired to care. like i'm really tired. i need a snow day tomorrow so i can sleep in.

i felt like i had things to talk about. oh Justin Bieber was on the Brown Family Extreme Home Makeover. and honestly he is just a normal guy. when he was talking to the girl just one-on-one (minus the cameras) you know he was just your average awkward teenage guy. sure maybe i'm not obsessed with his music, but i don't hate it, and i don't hate him. i don't understand how people can hate him. it's like it is cool to hate him now. the second he does something to deserve my hate then i'll hate him, but until then i don't - but i don't love him either. he is just an average kid who worked really hard to get to where he is now. but hey i can't control if you hate him or not.

what else, what else. i'm a boring person today. but today is the first day of February, and we got an early dismissal today. we really shouldn't of had school because the roads were bad. but hey that's alright. for some reason i thought it was seven but then i checked the time and it is only 4:23, hey that's like 234 or 432!

maybe i should catch up on youtube videos or do homework. shruggg. i was thinking it would be nice if i made some of my friends things to Valentines. not the cheezy valentines but like a little necklace or something. but i am not very crafty. maybe i'll google easy necklaces to make. but i'm not going to make them if they aren't something that i would wear. like Katelyn gave me a bracelet once, i don't think it was for a reason, but i never wore it. but that's okay it's the thought that counts. or i what i want to make are the starburst bracelets, i just need some starbursts. i would go get some if i had my license and it wasn't a blizzard outside.

so enough of this pointless blog. i should try not posting unless i have something meaningful to say.